According to an upcoming documentary and 5/12/16 report in the NYTimes, apparently the 2012 Summer and 2014 Winter Olympics were infiltrated at the highest level by the Russian government to allow doping (and urine substitution) of Russian athletes.
The chemicals are anabolic steroids metenolone, trenbolone, and oxandrolone and the newspaper account only says their effect is it helps athletes “recover quickly”:
Dr. Rodchenkov said it was up to him to ensure that Russian athletes won the most medals, preferably gold ones.
He had been the director of Russia’s antidoping laboratory in Moscow since 2005, and was widely considered among the world’s top experts in performance-enhancing drugs. He often experimented with such drugs on himself, he said.
He published papers in peer-reviewed journals, traveled often to scientific conferences abroad and was a frequent guest at the annual antidoping symposium organized by the United States Anti-Doping Agency, most recently in October in Lansdowne, Va., just a month before he was forced to step down.
By his own admission, Dr. Rodchenkov, who has a Ph.D. in analytical chemistry, used his expertise to help athletes properly use banned substances and go undetected, which he says was done at the behest of the Russian government. After years of trial and error, he said, he developed a cocktail of three anabolic steroids — metenolone, trenbolone and oxandrolone — that he claims many top-level Russian athletes used leading up to the London Olympics in 2012 and throughout the Sochi Games.
The drugs, Dr. Rodchenkov said, helped athletes recover quickly after grueling training regimens, allowing them to compete in top form over successive days…
Within the limits of this thread, can someone say why those steroids were chosen, out of what I guess is a vast pharmacopeia, or maybe a little more explanation on the chemistry?
And in general, I still don’t know an overview, conceptually, “performance-enhancing drugs”–does it includes things for (I’m guessing here) better oxygen usage? Temporary Hulk-like strength? There are other non-illegal-steroid classes of chemical cheating?
Or is “muscle repair” the name of the game–the definition, in fact, of steroids’ purpose, and is basically the “doping” that anyone cares about in athletics?