Sad Day for Classic Who Buffs - William Russell, RIP

Ah well, he made it to 99.

The actor who played one of the first companions on Doctor Who has died. William Russell played science teacher Ian Chesterton. He did all the action stuff, because the First Doctor was so dang old.

He was likable in the role. Much more likable than Barbara Wright, the other teacher companion, who always to me seemed like a teacher upset that new regulations wouldn’t let her smack her students with a ruler no more.

Not only was in the first season way, way back in 1963, but he also had a cameo appearance in 2022 playing the same character. A gap of nearly 60 years, think it set a new record.

You take that back dammit! William Hartnell was 55 when he got the job.

Hartnell was 55, but the Doctor was north of 400 at the time. :wink:

For a certain definition of “gap”, though. He had appeared in character in spin-off media a few times.

A very sad day.