Saddam's public execution?

I’m not even going to bother putting this in GQ cuz I know someone’s going to rant and get it sent here anyway. Hell, it could have been me.

Given that Islamic law allows for capital punishment, let’s just assume that Hussein’s crimes will warrant it. The crimes are well documented by his own gov’t, as well as video of the murders.

Now, to the meat (fuck off, PETA members). I’d gladly pay $199.99 to see this on PPV. But, this would only be for my personal enjoyment, though the monies could be used to compensate soldier’s families, pay for reconstruction, whatever.

Here’s my thought. Allow the Iraqis to hold trial, should they find him guilty, sentence him to death under Iraqi (not Islamic) law. Whatever method used, TELEVISE IT! I’m not even all that concerned about it being aired in Western countries. The point is to let the Arab world see that he is in fact gone forever. Give him life in prison? There is such fear of him that even that won’t quell the anxiety some feel. What if he escapes? What if the French somehow get him released and exiled?

I believe the main reason for showing him getting free medical care was to demonstrate that he was, in fact, in custody. Just look at the belief that Hitler was alive for years because they were told he was dead, but never saw a body.

Public hanging/stoning/camel rape, whichever. Just let them SEE that he is dead.

  1. What in the freaking fucking fuckity fuck makes you think that the whole Arab world, whatever that is, supports Saddam Hussein?

  2. What in the effing eff eff eff makes you think that still more public humiliation of Saddam, through showing his public execution by what is widely regarded as an illegitimate authority, would in any way reduce the militance of those who do support Saddam?

  3. The whole PETA thing is so last year. Leave it out, why doncha?

  4. The whole French thing is likwise tired, very tired. Let it go.

While you’re rummaging around here for the truth, you might want to address that ignorance problem as well.

freaking fucking fuckity fuck

BWA hahahahahahah! (rereads) BWA hahahahahahah!
At this point, who cares about the OP? I’ve already wet my pants! freaking fucking fuckity fuck

El_Kabong, please show me where I said the Arab world supports him. You ingnorant little-person.

Where did I say a death penalty is humiliating? Did we drag him bound through the streets behind a jeep? Re-read the OP, I have no time for trollers.

BTW, if you’re going to base a response on “freaking fucking fuckity fuck” I’ll take shots at PETA (you have no sense of humor) and the French (they invite it).

Now go away, kid. You bother me. (W.C. Fields)

Uh, here:

Oh, maybe you mean that you want all the Arabs who didn’t support Saddam to see his execution. So, apparently you have some sort of mental image of Arabs as baying savages jostling each other to get a better view of the killing, right?

I’m terribly sorry to be so “ingnorant”. Just in my nature, I guess. I’ll keep trying to improve myself.

Right; so in your view, there is nothing whatsoever humiliating about a public execution, especially one that takes place as a “public hanging/stoning/camel rape, whichever”. OK, got it.

Considering the nature of the first post in this thread, this has got to one of the most hilarious ripostes ever.

I have better things to do than watch some idiot get killed. Like watching Hoshi on Enterprise.

Oh Christ. This is supposed to be the execution and why or why not it would alleviate anxiety in the Arab world (i.e. not Western Europe, the Americas, etc) for Arabs to KNOW with thier own eyes that he is no longer ever a threat.

I’m talking a governing council (made up of Iraqis) that appoints judges to courts (all Iraqis) that try him under Iraqi law. Sorry, I graduated 3rd grade and can’t simplify it any better for you.

Maybe this will explain it better. With the many 3rd Reich officers being tracked down in Europe and especially Argentinia, then being publicly hanged in Isreal, the Jews got to see that maybe the hell that was the Nazi’s was at an end.

Simply telling the vast majority (here we go with asking for cites) of Iraqis who wanted him gone and were living in fear most of thier lives, may not quash the ever present underlying fear of retribution. However, seeing his body lifeless (at the hands of the Iraqis) may give a feeling of freedom to assert themselves, and thereby form a mentality that they can, indeed, govern themselves without intimidation.

That’s the simplest I can describe my position, though I suspect I’ll be back to clarify further :wink:

maybe a 24 hour “SaddamCam” on the net would let them know he’s still in jail.

That was my next suggestion, but do you honestly think Amnesty Int’l or the ACLU (yes, they’d weasel thier way in) would allow it?

El_Kabong, I don’t accuse any Arab of being a “baying savage jostling each other to get a better viewing of the killing” other than the one’s so intimidated by Hussein to enter the streets to celebrate 9/11.

No, I don’t think they would, but they would support a televised execution.

OMG! Reading the OP hurts my eyeballs.

I think I’d pay to watch the execution. I like the idea of donating the receipts for reparations to his victims. It might be the first time in his life Saddam did anything positive for somebody else, albeit not on purpose. At any rate, it would prove that the Devil is mortal.

Oh, I ammost forgot this was the Pit.


DesertGeezer, you may have condemned yourself to flames, but I appreciate someone seeing a part of where I’m coming from… At least one person has seen what I meant

Well, you did kinda mention camel-rape as a method of execution.

But I’m half-with you, although I’m uncomfortable with the idea of televised executions over this way. At any rate, El Kabong, I think you have utterly misread the OP. I got nothing about Iraquis being Saddam supporters; I assumed the reason they need to see the body (in the OP’s view) is so they can be sure, thank God, ding dong, he’s really dead. Where do you get from the OP that he thinks the whole Arab world supports Saddam?

Anyone who wants to watch an execution for his/her own entertainment is a sick fuck. Most of the civilized world has banned executions altogether. Even the one developed country which is still backwards enough to practice capital punishment (the US) is still evolved enough to recognize that doing it publicly is a fucking attrocity.

Find a Faces of Death video if you really must beat off to snuff porn.

Diogenes, you are so lost on the OP. I understand, being from MN, you live in your own world. I understand you hate America, and must use capital punishment as your argument. We are talking about a man(?) who killed people that he saw as a threat. Forget a fair trial. He sponsored “rape rooms” where he sent either his sons or soldiers to violate women of his enemies.

I have a wife and 2 sisters, given what they would have endured under his rule, without a liberal court (which you seem to endorse), I would have to accept the abuse.

Good thing someone is defending Hussein.

Faces of Death? I’m sure these volumes were in Saddam’s library, to ensure an erection before raping an innocent teen.

Backward country? Surely you jest.

From your reply you would prefer this monster to still be in power.

You are a sick person

Sorry, I’ve gone away, as the OP requested.

I live in Minnesota but I’m not from Minnesota. I was born in Lousiana and moved around a lot all my life. I’ve lived in Euorope and West Africa as well as several other states. Having said that, I have to say I have no idea what you mean by “living in my own world.” Please clarify, would you?

You understand wrong, fuckface and really this is about the stupidest, most childish accusation you could have possibly come up with.

An argument for what?

Unlike GWB who kills people he knows are not a threat.

Nice. And you accuse me of hating America. Hey, if you don’t like fair trials, move to fucking Iran.

I never said he wan’t a scumbag. I wouldn’t even argue with those who want to kill him (after a “fair trial,” of course) but wanting to watch it on TV and masturbate to it is fucking contemptable

I have a wife and a four year old daughter. We’re both lucky we didn’t live under the thumb of Saddam. So fucking what?

Yes it is. That’s what makes us better than he is.

Capital punishment is fucking backwards and barbaric…and don’t call me Shirley.

Which reply would that be? Because I don’t want a public execution that means I want Saddam back in power. Nice fucking logic, asshole. Were you on the debate team?

Yeah, sick old me. I don’t want to watch somebody get murdered on television. Not only that but I don’t want to see anyone get raped either. How perverted is that?

Seekingtruth, you’re a fucking sicko. You are what is wrong with the war in Iraq and “patriotic” Americans. Yes I am from California…do I live in my own fucking world, too? Or is it just Minnesotans?

Executions are barbaric, public executions are sick, and public executions for worldwide distribution for the right wing to sit at home, justify their actions and whack off to are just so wrong.

That is all.
