Saint Saen's Organ Symphony being performed in your town?

The 2007-2008 classical concert season has already started and I was thinking I would fly anywhere to hear this

No, but I am this very second putting it on my MP3 player. Holy coinkidink Batman!

Actually, I’m glad you brought this up, because it reminded me I need to get tickets to this. Davies has “North America’s largest concert-hall Ruffatti organ”, so it should be a real treat (even if you’ve never seen Babe :)).

Whoop! :smiley: Just bought my two tix. So, K364 (is that a Mozart reference, by chance?), will you be visiting our Fair City soon?

I did this with the newfoundland symphony orchestra two seasons ago, cymbals, very very fun part. those crashes cannot be too big!!

Damn, what city is that performance in? Look at all those empty seats! I have only two things to say:

  1. Shame on them for not appreciating good music!
  2. Hey, does that mean you can get good seats really cheap on the day of the performance?

I missed an opportunity a few years back to hear it performed at St Paul’s Cathedral. Remind me every now and then to punch myself in the mouth. :smack:

Just bumping since I never heard back from the OP. It may be a little late (1st performance is tonight), but who knows? S/he might be very motivated. :slight_smile:

I have tix for tomorrow. Can’t wait!