Sam Stone believes Trump's tweets

Just spitballing here, but maybe it’s because if a conservative steps just slightly outside the bounds of what the liberals think is acceptable, they are greeted with a pile-on shitstorm so vicious the mods have to shut it down, then get pitted so the beatings can continue for another…239 messages? Call me crazy, but maybe that has something to do with it.

I have no idea what the demographics of this board are, or how they have changed. And I don’t much care. I believe in challenging ideas, not people. Which is why I never subject you or other people to this kind of psychoanalyzing bullshit because I don’t like your arguments.

Because this board has reached a critical mass of lefties who have made it their mission to attack, ridicule, and essentially run off anyone who doesn’t think like they do. It’s rather pathetic, and it’s eventually going to kill this message board.

I went back to the original thread to say I had been wrong about the tweet - an error made by numerous mainstream news outlets like Reuters, the AP, ABC news, etc. But the children there threw such a tantrum that the mods had to shut the thread down.

I won’t engage in ‘debate’ in the pit any more, for the same reason I don’t wrestle with pigs: You get yourself dirty, and the pig likes it.

This board has become toxic to anyone who isn’t part of the hive-mind. I’m not going anywhere, but after years of never missing a payment on this board, it’s gotten my last nickel. Only a masochist would pay to be abused.

Sounds like Trump could clear this up real quick.

He can either say that he ordered the declassification, and that the deep state is trying to thwart him, and ask the court to assist him in bypassing this obstruction.

Or he can say that he never ordered the declassification, and that tweets or understandings of his own words are to the contrary.

You are being “attacked” with factual information.

In this case, Trump did not order the release of any information, and the judge called his bluff. You were wrong. Just admit it and move on. Saying “Oh I went back to apologize but could not” is cowardly. Admit it here.

People pointing out you were wrong are not attacking you.

Trump could clear up a lot of things by taking a stand, saying what he means, and sticking to it.

I’m not holding my breath.

God what pathetic whining, just from being criticized and rather gently mocked for saying something dumb. You didn’t used to be this pathetic. What changed?

Add another scoop or two to the bullshit sundae. This isn’t remotely what happened.

To be fair, I can see how that just might be interpreted as an attack.

That’s not always as easy as you make it sound. People can support certain ideas and groups, invest a lot of effort in defending them, and really not want to admit that they were wrong. The more you bought in to an idea, the bigger the blow to your ego when it turns out not to be true.

I try to admit when I’m wrong, but I also try not to twist the knife and say “I told you so” when someone else is.

Again I’m compelled to point out that that this is a much deeper issue than @Sam_Stone believing a single Trump Tweet. He has spent years building lie upon lie in his mind to come to the conclusion that the only real Russian collusion was the Hillary’s Russian collusion. That she invented the idea that Russia was helping Trump and members of the Trump campaign were colluding with those Russians. He believed that that Trump Tweet was a prelude to evidence coming out that he was right all along.

This is Qanon thinking. There is no option to admit he was wrong and move on. He believes several things that are clearly and obviously inconsistent with reality. There’s no easy way out of that.

This is exactly why life after Trump will be so difficult. How do you deprogram these people?

I was pitying poor Sam for a while because of how completely he has been let down by someone in whom he had placed his hopes. But now he’s actually used “hive mind.” So it’s back to ridicule instead.

Didn’t you know? SDMB is training grounds for The Deep State.

Seriously, why is it when conservatives are called for their lies and mistakes, they assume that a cabal of liberals get together in secret and scheme on ways to destroy them? I’m too lazy to follow group directives, much less actually determine them.

Think of yourself as a student in a class. Our teacher is Mr. Cecil Adams, and he’s a cold-blooded headmaster who does not play favorites. He announces he won’t be grading essays. He’ll let the rest of the class grade your essay. If they tell you your essay will get a failing grade because your facts aren’t right, are you going to believe them and go by their recommendations, or are you going to take their criticisms personally and accuse them of trying to destroy you? Remember. Master Cecil grades on accuracy. He doesn’t care if you feel like you’re being picked on.

About half of those posts were a somewhat interesting discussion on nuclear energy. It’s not always about you.

To summarize:
Sam claimed that Trump was telling the Truth in a Tweet, and said he would apologize if proven wrong.
Sam is proven wrong overwhelmingly.
Sam says people are picking on him.
Sam doesn’t apologize.

That about sum it up?

Small addition:

Sam claimed that Trump was telling the Truth in a Tweet, and said he would apologize if proven wrong.
Sam is proven wrong overwhelmingly.
Thread devolves into an argument about nuclear energy
Sam says people are picking on him.
Sam doesn’t apologize.

In this context, “Hive-Mind” refers to, “People not epically stupid enough to think Trump is telling the truth about whatever Obama conspiracy theory he’s farting out today.”

This board is about fighting ignorance, Many times (including me) posters have taken to task the ignorance some leftists have shown regarding GMOs, Nuclear power, Vaccinations, etc.

Thing is that the ones you defend on this board have gone off the deep end regarding evolution, climate change, how to deal with a pandemic, how to deal with an economy during a pandemic too. But I digress, the main point of the OP stands.

It was bananas to trust the liar in chief, even for this issue. Even iiandyiiii pointed out already that most of the sources you refer to when using that fig leaf of the media getting it wrong too to cover your mistake, were only reporting what Trump said, not to declare that Trump did so.

I guess I have to repeat again that I am not a Republican, I think Trump is a stain on the Presidency, I think the Republicans are idiots for their anti-mask stance.

Go look if you don’t believe me. Go see what I’ve said about them during the past four years. Go find any other specious Trump tweet that I have championed here.

Again, the reason I posted that one was because A) It seemed like even Trump wouldn’t lie about something he claimed to have just done and would be easily checkable, and b) my due diligence found the same tweet being reported on by numerous mainstream media outlets including Reuters.

It had nothing to do with trusting Trump. Trump lies constantly, and says moronic things constantly, It was just that in this case it seemed worth considering the ramifications if what Trump said was true.

That small deviation from what is acceptable here kicked off this entire shitstorm - as usual.

Unfortunately @Sam_Stone, your posts in that thread are still visible to all.

I declared that Trump did so? Let’s run the tape:

The rest of my message went on to attempt to start a conversation on what full declassification might mean IF TRUE.

Is this the part where I get to call you a liar and demand a ritual apology? I’m new to this whole struggle session thing.

Here’s what you said you’d do:

Here’s what you’re now doing:

So no, you’re not behaving with anything resembling integrity. Instead of taking responsibility for being a big weenie who trusted a Trump tweet when you should have known better, you’re trying to distract by implying that since major media (you claim, and I’ll stipulate) also should have known better, why would anyone fault you?

No: you were a big weenie. And you should admit that. And your refusal to do so makes you a big coward in addition to being a big weenie.