Samurai Jack, Barney Miller, & Maison Ikkoku fans: A Question

What an odd mix. Anyway, I am wondering:

Is there going to be a season 2 of Samuari Jack & Barney Miller released on DVD?

Is Maison Ikkoku going to be released on DVD? I know there’s some story, like some episodes got released and not others.

Is there a website where I can go to to find out news about any of the above?


Never heard of it, but checking Amazon was easy enough. Same thing for Samurai Jack and Barney Miller

No news on “Samauri Jack” or “Barney Miller” though.

AG: Ana is looking for the second seasons.

Didn’t parse the link for some reason.

Whoops–missed that part.

Thanks anyway, ArchiveGuy, I appreciate the help.

Lute, I’m bookmarking the site you gave me.

Now that’s a weird spam bump.

But nice to see that multiple seasons of Barney Miller and Samurai Jack are indeed available 6 years later :D.

Indeed. I’ll lock this zombie, though.