Santorum: not enough people to support Social Security, due to (drum roll) abortions!

Well said. A lot of people who experience a stillbirth want a chance to hold the child and say goodbye. Many people even take pictures, because they know that those are the only baby pictures they will ever have of that child. I feel confident saying that anyone who would look down on someone for doing such things for a stillborn child has never lost a child and really, truly doesn’t have a clue.

Yeah, what Guin and lavenderviolet said. My sister did the same thing, and while it’s not my glass of tea, I find that bagging on somebody about it is kind of low.

You might be able to get a few “amens” with it on 4chan, or one of those types of sites, if you want to try.

He’s on the record as criticizing Griswold vs. Connecticut, the Supreme Court decision legalizing contraceptives, and has said that he thinks artificial birth control harms women and society because it encourages people to have sex outside of marriage. He’s also a very devout Catholic.

I do.

Oh yes, I often see him on EWTN the very conservative Catholic cable channel. Make no mistake the “pro-life” people would ban contraception in a heart beat if they could and are trying every thing they can think of to make it harder and harder to obtain.

But Social Security is a communist plot to weaken America, so doesn’t that mean he should be advocating for* more *abortions? It’s all so confusing.

I knew about the devout Catholicism, but the Griswold hate is new to me.

Hijack: If Mr. Frothy-Butt actually read anything about those Founding Fathers he reveres so much, he would have noticed that their religious ideas were different at best, and antiPapist at worst.

Jon Stewart mentioned him the other night, pointing out that we’ve only got all these retirees in need is because they weren’t aborted themselves.

I thought that was the case where Chevy Chase tried to get out of a speeding ticket by claiming it was the dog that was actually driving the family stationwagon…

The gays are even worse than the abortionistas - how is butt-plowing some dude supposed pay grandpa off?

“Mr. Frothy-Butt!” That’s great! :smiley:

Where did you think little baby lawyers came from?

Santorum’s a person, too?? :eek:

Wasn’t the argument that Social Security was failing because there were too MANY people to sustain it?

Crazy conservatives need to make up their Borg-like mind.

A couple of generations ago, they were beating the drum about eugenics and forced sterilizations.

Now we have to constantly hear about how abortions are the downfall of society.

Why are they focused so much on babies, either potential or incubating ones? It’s a strange fixation.

Please start a new thread of SAT-like analogies, and make this Exhibit A. :smiley:

NO, NO, he claimed the dog was using it’s leash to push the station wagon.

You sure were wrong! When I answered phones for PBS pledge drives we always had a Lawrence Welk show. Got some our best, most lucrative pledges from Mr. Welk!:smiley:

Because they weren’t aborted.

You can’t bring logic to a knife fight.