sarah jessica parker

I’m not a big fan either, but I think in big part it was because of SitC. That show will not age well. Her character was not very likable, and I too find her very unattractive for many of the reasons already listed. I am fascinated, however, by the almost unanimous dislike of her. I never saw many of the shows she appeared in earlier in her career, so my only exposure to her was SitC. And it wasn’t a positive experience. She wasn’t sexy (to me). She was a skank. And she used people. Perhaps her character played a part in me finding her so unattractive. Maybe it was also the raccoon-eye make-up, strange clothing, and weird hair styles. And that muscle-bound face.

As a side note, the first season of SitC was the best. The last two seasons (or season and bonus episodes) were really bad. The following is more of a commentary of SitC, so I’ll put it in a spoiler box. Not that there is anything to spoil, but it’s easier to ignore it if you don’t want to read it, and I don’t want to hijack the thread. It adds nothing to the OP, but there were a few comments on the characters, so I thought I’d share.

They were all aging badly, and if I remember correctly, I read that C. Nixon was/is a lesbian. Fine by me, but I had a hard time seeing her as a sex symbol (or object of male desire) after that revelation. She was always the most unattractive of the four to me, but that knowledge (and the fact that she is eating in every episode) made me struggle to find her character believable.

SJP was the “star” of the show, but was just a vapid, self-absorbed character who threw away a number of guys who treated her pretty well for the mystical “Big”. I also never got the sex symbol/fashion icon labels, since most of the clothes she wore were, IMO hideous. I’m sure the clothes were outrageously expensive, and I’ll admit I know little about fashion, but more often than not I wondered if she dressed in the dark.

Samantha was the most realistic of the characters, in that she seemed to stay in character throughout the series. She was attractive, and sexually aggressive, and was in my mind the female equivalent to a mimbo (Seinfeld reference, male bimbo).

Charlotte made the least sense. I also believe she was the most attractive of the four, but her prudish behaviors weren’t consistent with the volume of men she slept with. Let’s face it. She was a whore in search of a husband. The others were also sexually open, but Charlotte was a hypocrite to the nth degree.

I also found the storyline of her converting to Judaism to be completely off the beam. Not that she couldn’t fall in love with a Jewish guy (and Harry - I think that was his name - was a good guy), but I found it hard to believe that someone as WASP’y (is that a word?) as Charlotte, would throw away her religion so easily.

Clearly, I watched too much SitC. But I won’t be buying the DvDs!
(her perfume)

As a general rule, celebrities with makeup/perfume lines tend to be attractive. Not a hard and fast rule, but kind of a general one.

I’ve also seen too many of the “you too can look like SJP” (Why? Why on earth would I want that?) articles in various magazines. I’ve seen far more of her publicity being focused about her “beauty” than about her “talent.”

I didn’t see SitC until last year, so that’s not where I got my opinion of her. I never watched Square Pegs ( but, I was wondering why she was supposed to be considered pretty in LA Story & First Wives Club). Maybe that’s true for some people, but not everyone is reacting to Carrie Bradshaw. Many are reacting to her in all appearances.

So you think she’s ugly. I get it. Clearly not everyone agrees with you. That’s okay too.

1.) I don’t think she’s at all ugly, just not my cuppa.

2.) I kinda like Sex in the City

3.) I couldn’t believe that the SJP in Hocus Pocus was the same one as in SITC. She looks very different, and so does her voice. I don’t know if I’ve seen any othyer ovies or TV shows she was in.

4.) She also has an on-stage carweer, you know. IIRC, she was one of the first, if not the first, to play the title riole in A.R. Gurney’s Sylvia. That certainly speaks in favor of her acting chops.

No woman who can easily do this can ever be unattractive to me. (warning - possibly NSFW I guess for some)

Plus I really like a lot of her movies - If Lucy Fell is a great rom-com, for ex. Never like Carrie Bradshaw, or her fashion sense, but that’s a character, for Pete’s sake.

My Bolding: If that is the rule, we should be celebrating the fact that SJP managed to break the rule and get a perfume line despite not being a Hollywood/Mad Ad hottie. For the record, are any of the High Fashion models really goo looking? I am not talking Sports Illustrated here, I mean actual Fashion Models?

As I mentioned earlier, she was cute, bouncy and perky in LA Story, she was cuter in Flight of the Navigator. She was kind of cute in Square pegs.

Excalibre: good post, but of course it can be dismissed because the show played to gay men, did not you realize you were just succumbing to the stereotype. :wink:


My husband can’t stand her, but I find her exceedingly beautiful (in a non-white-bread-cookie-cutter way). I enjoy her acting in nearly everything she does, and she’s a genuinely down to Earth person in real life. She’s the oldest of like ten kids, absolutely adores her sibs, her mom, and her Ferris Buehler family.

And I liked Sluts In The City. Just because the characters aren’t people you’d choose to hang out with doesn’t mean it isn’t worth watching. I like The Shield, too, but I’d have every last one of 'em arrested in real life.

I’m surprised that a literate and smart message board such as this one would be generate as childish and immature replies as this thread has.

I think we can agree that she is not a typical Hollywood actress in terms of looks, but you’re making that sound like a bad thing. If nothing else, she has charms and presence and neat clothes. That last season of SatC show-cased some really awesome outfits. The Versace dress in the final episode was worth 80.000 dollars in itself.

Stop being so shallow. Come on people.

I agree.

Oops, posted too soon.

It’s nice to see people who have their own style in the fashion/beauty world. Fashion and beauty isn’t the exact same thing as sex. What’s good for Maxim and what’s good at the perfume counter are two different things. Someone doesn’t need to be universally hot to sell hair color or to look good in a dress.

I really didn’t like Carrie Bradshaw but I like Sarah Jessica Parker, I think she’s talented and charming in plenty of other things.

As far as SitC goes. . .say what you will, but that is one of the biggest shows in the TV landscape from the last 15 years and she was the voice of the show.

She was easily the BEST character on that show, the only one who wasn’t just a caricature – at least until the last couple years when the others developed a bit more gravitas (ugh!). She gave the show humor, heart, some pathos. All the other characters were defined from her central character.

She’s able to be funny without being de-sexed as so many funny women are.

She’s able to be emotional without being frail.

Think back over what she did on that show. . .the emotional ups & downs, in and out of love, tension between her friends and her boyfriends. Her performance over the last two seasons when she was dating Barishnykov were as good as anything I’ve ever seen on TV – and this was on what was still one of the funniest shows out there.

That’s all acting folks, and there are few out there who do it better.

Actually my point was that she’s being judged by a criterion she (or her promotion department) selected. Clearly, not everyone’s going to come up with the same assessment - and that’s okay. (In fact, it’s good that we all have different opinions). But it isn’t as though the judgment is coming out of left field.

If someone stands up and says “I’ve got a solution for peace in the Middle East,” an evaluation of their attractiveness is unwarranted. But when someone stands up and says “I’m beautiful,” they’re inviting the evaluation. She invited it.

Reasons I like SJP:

She’s cute

She’s funny

She’s cute (yeah, I’m shallow).

It has occured to me that what I find attractive in a woman isn’t necessarily what anyone else finds attractive, and I’m cool with that. You really think I want to have to compete with every other asshole out there for every girl that I find attractive? :smiley:

And as for why she is judged so harshly, it’s simply because she’s a celebrity, and less-popular people love to snark on the popular folks.

Yeah, but the only evidence you have come up with that she is trying to be a “sex symbol” is that she’s out in public not covered in a burqa. Look, you may feel that only sufficiently attractive women are allowed to wear expensive clothes, start perfume lines, or talk endlessly about sex on TV. Fine. But that’s something wrong with you, not with Sarah Jessica Parker. Quite obviously she is not a universally agreed-upon beauty, but quite obviously a lot of people are attracted to her anyway. I’m not sure why you feel that your own opinion of her looks is more important than anyone else’s, and I’m quite confused as to why her looks matter so much to you in the first place.

Seriously. You sound incredibly unpleasant making this argument. I’d be frankly curious to see what you look like for comparison.

Hon, this kind of thing is par for the course around here. I suppose this place is sometimes “smart” or “literate”, but you haven’t been looking into enough threads if this kind of thing surprises you. There are lots of shallow, miserable people who get a lot of satisfaction out of dismissing famous women - who, ironically, by any standard are much more attractive than the people doing the dismissing - as ugly and therefore worthless.

I recommend you not read this thread and then a picture thread. The irony of this message board’s inhabitants calling Sarah Jessica Parker ugly might cause your head to explode. This whole thread smacks of the group of fat girls in one corner of the high school cafeteria critiquing the looks of every attractive girl who walks by and making up imaginary flaws in order to feel better. “Oh my God, did you see the bags under her eyes?” they say of the cute cheerleader walking by. Never mind the fact that - eye bags or no - the cheerleader is more attractive then all of them put together.

I guess that kind of thing makes sense when you’re fifteen but I really would have hoped adults would grow out of it.

I think a big part of the SJP appeal is that she seems reachable, human. I get the feeling that if you passed her on the street and said good morning, she would smile and say good morning back, unlike a number of other celebs who give the impression that they would at best ignore you or at worst have their bodyguards beat you up. (most celebs are nice in person, I’m just talking image here)

As a guy I don’t know if I should be admitting this or not :slight_smile: , but I’m a pretty big fan of Sex and the City. Sarah Jessica Parker is the worst thing about it. Her acting chops (as displayed on the show at least) were barely adequate compared to the other leads. Also IMHO she is not physically attractive in the least, and has an uncanny ability to pick the most unflatting clothes possible to make her body look even worse.

As far as real life, hearing behind-the-scenes stories from Sex and the City’s production soured me on her as a person as well. Apparently she was constantly fighting for more screen time and more control, and to hell with the rest of the cast. She also refused to do nudity; it was beneath her, but not beneath her co-stars of course.

She strikes me as the very caricature of the self-important Hollywood ego.

You got that right. I could never figure out why people didn’t get it.

She isn’t self-important in the slightest. The fact that she chooses to keep her clothes on has no bearing on her co-stars’ decision to take theirs off. Why you think the demanded that they do? And why would you care what sort of contracts they each worked out?

Hey, I’m not losing sleep over it or anything. I don’t know her personally. But from what I’ve seen of her in interviews and such, I get the impression that she has little respect for her co-stars’ contributions, and just has an overinflated ego in general.

I’m dog ugly (there are picture threads that can be referenced - go ahead and search for them).

But you seem to misread me. If a celebrity’s promotion is about his or her beauty, then that celebrity is asking the viewers to judge on beauty. There are a ton of female comediennes and comics and celebrities who also don’t dress in burqas but who are promoted as “funny” or “good actresses.” And so, I judge them based on “is she funny?” or “is she a good actress?” The original comment I was responding to was (paraphrased) “why don’t we judge the actors on Seinfeld by this standard?” For me, that’s because I never saw the guys from Seinfeld promoted as incredibly sexy. They were promoted as “incredibly funny” and I made a judgment on them based on that standard.

SJP is promoting herself as hot - her promotional company is asking us to judge her on her looks. And I did.