Satanic worshippers FAQs

I’ve been called tghat before, actually… I can only wonder why…

Yer pal,

Inability to type, maybe?

Satanists, Christians, Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves… so what?

Both groups get bad press… I mean, satanists are accused of all sorts of evil deeds, but look at televangilists and faith “healers” who make Millions every year… there aint enough people going after them If you ask me…

I’m going to start my own church…
No rules, no entrance fee, and we all go to some sort of lovely hoilday resort when we die… like Florida

If I remember correctly,The Satanic Bible says do whatever you want,and use any means necessary. So when Mr. Aquino comes on and says no,Stanists don’t kill animals,etc. I think its just pr.(public relations). If they Did do illegal things,you think they’d admit it? Out of what sense of guilt? I think he’s returned to the planet Vulcan by now,anyway. :slight_smile:

Orangecakes, I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought that!

I’ll be there
Where I’ll teach what I’ve been taught
And I’ve been taught…

The Satanic Boble by Anton LeVay does NOT preach anything of the sort. Much as the Bible we all find in hotel rooms can be misconstrued and misinterpreted to whatever the reader wishes, so can The Satanic Bible.

In reality, it’s a luke-warm tome preaching that one should empower oneself. Sure, there are some peculiar activities that practitioners will do, but that is just ritual. Most of the ritual, while odd to most mainstream folks, is on par with taking communion with wine and saying it is symbolic of Christ’s flesh and blood. SOME people might find that kinda odd…

Yer pal,

Okay, it’s not a boble, it’s a BIBLE.

Please understand, I’ve had a rough week…

Since my knowledge of satan worshippers was old, I decided to go check out what was available on the world-wide web. I found two sites for two different churches of Satan, where, in typical church style, each repudiates other branches as not being the true church of Satan.

I did find this text on the Anton LaVey web page:

I think their views go a little beyond a luke-warm tome preaching that one should empower oneself. From my reading, it seems that they have a Nietzschean view of the world, let the strong survive and the weak perish.

Morality: just because the church of Satan has an unconventional view, don’t start thinking that they have the answers to all the problems in the world.

La franchise ne consiste pas à dire tout ce que l’on pense, mais à penser tout ce que l’on dit.
H. de Livry

Brian,thats okay,I printed Stanists!ha :smiley: people who worship Stan! But arnold is right,survival of the fittest or cleverist. No sympathy for weaker others. No,I haven;t read the whole thing,but I did read an interview with Mr. Lavey. Azraek,I thought everyone would’ve noticed the eyebrow thing! :slight_smile:

Its been my impression that a lot of the brouhaha over Satanism in evangelical Christian circles is the stuff of urban legend. This was driven home over the last few years when some of “our side’s” experts on Satanism (e.g., Mike Warnke) were discovered to have made most of their experiences up. As for matters like Mr. LeBey, I find that is much more form over substance. As a Christian, I am much more concerned over the latent evil in our society than the guys wearing black capes and drawing pentagrams in the dirt.

“Its fiction, but all the facts are true!”

Latent evil? The overt sort doesn’t bother you, no?

Doesn’t seem to bother God, either.
