Los Espookys is a show on HBO. Perhaps you heard it was a sort of comedic Mission Impossible of the Paranormal, watched it once and were disappointed because you thought the stunts, set up by the Espooky team for hire to fool their targets into believing they had experienced a haunting, or an alien visitation, or some other sort of weird happening, were cheesy and amateurish - generally involving Renaldo wearing a furry suit or made up to look demonic - things that wouldn’t fool a six-year-old, but somehow work anyway So stupid! And the Espooky stuff is not even the main focus of the show - I want my money back!
Or maybe you’re like me, and kept watching and realize that Los Espookys, now wrapping up its second season, is the most original show on TV, with its setting in an unnamed and bizarre Latin American country, and its cast of misfits who, with the exception of Úrsala, don’t seem to have a clue where they are heading and mostly don’t mind if they receive actual visitations from the spirit world, where the spirits themselves tend to be oddly confused about their own place in the cosmos. I mean really!
Here is a little back-of-the-envelope chart, one of those x-axis, y-axis things, whatever you call it, that plots out some of the main characters and their grasp on their place in Bizarro Chile:
Does that help? Will you give Los Espookys another chance?
I’m asking because I fear this brilliant satire is on the chopping block, since I haven’t noticed it exactly burning up the popular discourse (my own girlfriend hated it, and I’ve yet to convince any friends or family to give it a try), and its backers must be ready to shrug it off and move on.
If YOU were one of Los Espookys, what would you do to convince HBO to pick up their option? Maybe send Tati to the head office and have her walk backwards and keep repeating “itaT yos oY” (“Yo soy Tati” backwards) over and over, which would somehow convince them that time had reversed and they must therefore renew Los Espookys for another season? It could work!
Your thoughts?