In Columbus.
Felt sorry for Roger Daltrey. I cringed every time he tried to sing. Was rather embarrassing to watch.
While I love The Who, a band needs to know when to call it quits.
In Columbus.
Felt sorry for Roger Daltrey. I cringed every time he tried to sing. Was rather embarrassing to watch.
While I love The Who, a band needs to know when to call it quits.
I read the review in the Chicago Trib for the show here, and it wasn’t flattering. You’re right- sometimes you have to know when to fold 'em. Grace Slick did that, but that’s just for her- Jorma and Jack are still playing, and they are doing fine. I’m sure it’s a tough thing to admit.
Not sure if you can judge Roger by these shows. He’s been ill; the band cancelled three shows last week due to his swollen vocal cords. Now whether his throat problem is the cause or the effect of his poor performance, I couldn’t say.
How was Zak Starkey?
Very good.
Here’s something else they screwed up: when Entwistle was alive, his bass had a very bright sound, and was on equal footing with the guitar. But you couldn’t even hear Palladino’s bass last night. WTF?? :mad: I could (barely) see him in the shadows playing, and couldn’t hear a single bass note the entire night.
I’ve been a huge fan for many years and it’s sad to hear how much Roger’s voice has declined. He has a good night now and then but those nights are pretty rare. Pino’s bass work has never come anywhere close to John’s – I don’t think anyone could’ve filled those shoes. I still go to Who shows mainly to see Pete do his thing. Despite his well-publicized ambivalence on being out on the road again I still get a charge out of watching him perform.
“…and couldn’t hear a single bass note the entire night.”
Speaking as a classic “turn up the bass” person: That is sick!
—accidental dupe–could mod plse delete one? Thx
“…and couldn’t hear a single bass note the entire night.”
Speaking as a “turn up the bass” person: That is sick!
Townsend himself once said that the Who is now the world’s most expensive Who cover band.
The Who is my second favourite band behind The Beatles. It saddens me to find them still trying to crank it out when they can’t. The Superbowl performance from a few years back was OK, but a little cringe-worthy at times.
I still (metaphorically) love Roger and Pete. They created some magical, and innovative music back in the day.
Yeah, I saw them 20 years ago - that tour where they played all of Tommy - and it was terrible. Townsend played an acoustic for most of the set and you could tell they were phoning it in then. I can only imagine what it’s like now.
I saw them 30 years ago, maybe 28, and they were fantastic. Although Kenny Jones is nowhere near as good as Keith, obviously. Zak is a very, very good replacement.
I was obsessed with The Who when I was in high school. I bought 8 of their albums.
I’ve heard they haven’t been so good in recent years, though. Too bad they’re still trying to wring out a dry towel.
Sad to hear about it – probably sadder still to actually hear it. But the day *would *come when they could no longer do it as they used to and both they and fans should understand it. Guess what kids… you got old.
And **blondebear **is right – any attempt to really fill John’s space in the live show would just end up looking weak. Still one should not hide the bass in Who music.
Two of the original band members are dead (both due to substances, apparently )
Would it be the Beatles if Paul and Ringo performed? I think not.
Different paradigm.
Why is that? I am curious about your thoughts.
Yea, he was awesome.
Pete was impressive for his age. Can still play the guitar, and did an admiral job at singing.
But still, it wasn’t tight. Daltrey seemed to be spaced out (medication?), and accidently knocked over the mic stand at one point. I genuinely felt bad for him. Did Pete pressure him in to doing this?
Another thing I did not like was the entourage of supporting musicians. Pete Townshend’s brother was playing rhythm guitar and singing (why??) and there were at least two keyboard players.
I’ll be blunt: if you’re a Who fan, do not go and see them.
I would think Daltrey and Townshend would be like Lennon/Mccartney pretending to be The Beatles. Pretty close
That’s right.
Pete and Roger are The Who.
John and Paul are The Beatles.
Mick and Keith are The Stones.
These guys (if still alive) could hire other musicians and still be the band.
Paul and Ringo ain’t The Beatles.