Say, did anyone hear Christopher Reeve died?

I think there might already be a thread.

It’s called “SEARCH.” Hell, it’s called “look at the thread titles on the first page of the fucking forum.” Not that difficult.

I did look at the “look at the thread titles on the first page of the fucking forum”. There wasn’t a thread in MPSIMS.

Thank you, Otto. I almost started this thread myself.

Honest question here. Why does the death of a celebrity (which is already covered by a thread in CS) need a MPSIMS thread?

When I saw this thread friend Otto I thought to myself…
Yep he’s fixing to catch hell now.
Starting another thread about Superman. I figured it’d be locked by now. I hear ya…loud and clear. :wink:

MPSIMS seems to be the obituary place for people of non-Hollywood celebrity persuasion, such as politicians, scientists, and worldly figures, as well as beloved famliy and friends of the dopers. Therefore, MPSIMS might be the first place an obit-regular would look. Perhaps people who don’t venture into CS forget about it?

Since Otto is incapable of preventing himself from creating duplicate threads and, ya know, searching for topics, I wouldn’t pay this little spat much heed.

For sure, Otto. The first thing I did after getting on the board this morning is think to myself, gee I’d like to comment on Christopher Reeve’s death. This meant something to me. The second thing I did was think, well he’s a famous celebrity, so that calls out for Cafe Society. I mean, that’s what it’s there for.

Sure enough, there was a thread. Two, actually, but I went to the thread that was older and posted my thoughts.

Perhaps some might question why this deserves a pitting. Well, beyond the obvious “geez, are you all too lazy to search?” aspect, the fact that we have so many fucking threads on the same damn subject is that if I want to read everyone’s thoughts on the subject I have to search the entire SDMB and find all these little pieces of threads all the hell over the place.

Well, no. I’m not going to do that. I said my piece, I’ll go back to the original thread and check it for updates, and that’s that. I mean, why on earth was an MPSIMS thread necessary vs. Cafe Society?

Otto just thought I’d throw a little wood on the fire but have you posted in the new Bush/Kerry debate thread in G/D?

I gotta run…but I’ll be back later this afternoon and help you tilt a few more windmills buddy. Till then, give’m hell. :smiley:

and Ponder this, he’s not pissed at the Dopers for wanting to express their OWN sentiments about Reeve. It’s the fact that so many are allowed to run simultaneously when he tried to open a thread the other day to express his OWN sentiments regarding the Debates and was promptly shutdown. This is just an example of what he was attempting to say in his thread against Czarcasm the other day. OR did I miss something Otto?

What we really need here is an Obit forum–If anyone dies, post it here. But dollars to donuts there would still be duplicate threads.

It’s like an unofficial subset of the Deathpool game–how many threads will be started when so-and-so dies?

But we forgot to start:

Great Debates: “Would someone less wealthy than Christopher Reeve have lived this long?”

IMHO: "Would you have wanted to go on living if you were paralyzed?

Cafe Society: Favorite Christopher Reeves movie?

BBQ Pit: “His name was REEVE, not REEVES, dammit!”

ATMB: How many Christopher Reeve is dead threads can be started?

Cafe Society: Discuss the differences in Superman as portrayed by George Reeves and by Christopher Reeve.

Great Debates: If there is a God, how come Christopher Reeve died and Margot Kidder is still alive?

Having been away from the board for a few days, I actually did not know he died until I read this thread title. Thanks!


Mega points to anyone who gets that reference.

One of the reporters for the local NBC affiliate managed to, on two separate, live “breaking news” reports of this story this morning, managed to use both the correct and incorrect versions of his surname multiple times. (And yes, I listened closely to be sure it wasn’t a case of plural or possessive usage.) The mind boggles.

Hey, if the death of Superman was good enough to warrant a million-copy-print-run, a 12-issue story arc, and four wanna-be Super-replacements, then a dozen threads about the death of the man who played Superman seems only fair, IMO. :wink:

(No disrespect to Mr. Reeve, natch)

Still, I think we’ve yet to best our record of, what was it, 78 “Gregory Peck died” threads . . .

I did look before posting, but didn’t see a thread. If I had, I would have added my post to it instead of opening a new one. Apologies for the mess, and a pre-emptive “Go fuck yourself” to anyone who feels the urge to flame me further.

I thought Robert Palmer held that record at 1,963.