Say something that is true to a person in 1985 that will make you sound like a crazy person

So you’ve gone back in time to tell people about the 21st century. Everything you say is true, but they think you’re a crazy person. What truths do you speak?

Here’s mine:
In the future, your friends will send you pictures of what they had to eat last night. And if you don’t indicate you like it, they will get sad.

“When people hear the name Cyndi Lauper, they think of psoriasis.”

Keith Richards is still alive.

Donald Trump is (was) the president and Bill Cosby is in jail.

If you’re not familiar with Ryan George on youtube, he has a bunch of videos about exactly the premise in the OP.

People carry phones in their pockets, but they rarely make or receive calls.

We will all carry portable phones with the capability to call anyone practically anywhere along with a live video image of each other. However the majority of people will prefer to communicate with them via typed out messages on miniature keyboards.

You can’t smoke on buses, planes, in bars, even many sidewalks. But in the places where you still can, you can also light up a joint.

It will never be this cold again.

Gay people can get married.
Roe v. Wade was overturned.
Porn is easily accessible. (remember, the 80s saw the Meese Commission)

Bill Cosby is a monster.

Ozzie Osbourne is a doddering old man.

Alice Cooper really likes golf.

And, the Rolling Stones are still touring.

The mainstream Republican Party has warmly embraced a Russian Authoritarian leader. The President of the United States fired the Director of the FBI because he was concerned they were investigating his involvement with the Russian government. Tens of millions of Americans do not care.

Cubs win the World Series in 2015! Cubs win World Series!


Pan Am, TWA, and Eastern Airlines are all defunct.

Chrysler is still around, but it’s now owned by the Italians and the French.

Sears is gone and K-Mart is down to 9 locations (3 in CONUS).

You gotta wear a mask to go into Wal-Mart or Target or such.

Sure, tie a bandana around your mouth. Yeah, just like a bandito or robber. They won’t care! Matter of fact, you may get kicked out if you don’t.

That will hardly make you sound like a crazy person, what with all the flying cars that everyone in 1985 is expecting.

Howard Johnson is also history. Budweiser is owned by the Belgians. Coors is owned by the Canadians. Miller is owned by the English. General Motors went bankrupt.

The Soviet Union voted to dissolve itself. Henry Kissinger is still alive. The Emperor of Japan abdicated in favor of his son. Fidel Castro died peacefully. Queen Elizabeth II still reigns.


This is a list of mildly interesting future events (or non-events in the case of Kissinger & Liz). Is it your hairstyle that is going to make you seem like a crazy person?

Did I ever tell you about the time I caught an Uber over to Shelbyville? I needed a new charger for my phone. So I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I put a mask on my face, which was required at the time. Now, to take an Uber cost about $20, and in those days you could pay with your phone. “Do you take Apple Pay?”, you’d say. Now where were we… Oh yeah. The important thing was that I had a mask on my face, which required at the time. You couldn’t get N95 masks, or toilet paper, because of the pandemic. All you could get were homemade cloth ones…