
My father wants a scanner for Christmas and we are thinking about all going in together to get him one. Does anyone have a model that they would recommend (especially for a person who is not very computer-literate)?

One of the ones we looked at was a Microtek ScanMaker and another was an Acer. I don’t remember the other.

Your Official Cat Goddess since 10/20/99.

“I get along well with everybody.” --I.M.F.

If his computer has a USB connection, I would recommend that. That way you do not have to chain the printer and scanner together. It is also a lot faster.

I have an HP it has a button and is easy to use, but it has some problems with my Epson printer (I do not think the USB would be causing the same problems.)

I have a cheap microtek that works fine, but you have to choose to scan within the software.


HP is good, but it can cause conflicts with non-HP devices. My printer is HP so I don’t have any problems.
– Sylence

I don’t have an evil side. Just a really, really apathetic one.

Depends on how much you want to spend.
You might want to take a look at . They have a bunch of reviews of scanners in different price ranges.
I favor the USB connection also. It does require Windows 98. It is not supported in Windows 95.

depends on what TYPE of computer you have…

Most people won’t use any thing more than 300 x 300 resolution anyway. The reason why is because if you scan a page at that it’ll be a huge file [I think around 100 megs]…

Any of the cheapo scanners work. Try Circuit City…make sure its a legal size scanner, as some only do 8 x 11…thats the prime thing to notice.