Scarlett, HELP!

I need a rule (simple if possible) to govern the use of the semicolon! Seems I am always misusing that damn thing in my writings.



Sorry, I’m not her, but here goes:

A semicolon is a weak period; use it anywhere you need to separate to complete thoughts but do not want the degree of separation provide by a period.

Like so.


Or, you can use it to separate two complete thoughts but do not want the degree of separation provided by a period.

Your choice, really.

I need a rule to govern the use of the semicolon; seems I am always misusing that damn thing in my writings.

I also have trouble using dashes. :wink:


You technically need a subject at the beginning of the second clause; it seems to be missing one. :slight_smile:
(Yes, the “it” can be understood as implied. But a semicolon is somewhat formal, and leaving the subject off like that looks a little casual to me.)

You can introduce a nice variation when the sentence after the semicolon begins w/ a word that would normally be followed by a comma. Clear as mud? Observe!

The camel spider hissed its war-cry and leapt for my face. However, I drilled it through the thorax with an amped-up laser pointer.

The camel spider hissed its war-cry and leapt for my face; however, I drilled it through the thorax with an amped-up laser pointer.

Finally, the semicolon can be used as a kind of übercomma if you’re constructing a list wherein some of the items contain commas.

I invited my mother, the Queen of England, my brother, Napoleon, and Dick Tracy.
( = I throw interesting parties.)

I invited my mother, the Queen of England; my brother, Napoleon; and Dick Tracy.
( = My family tree is unusual.)

I agree with Yersinia Pestis on the subject/formality thing; a semicolon is rather a formal mark of punctuation, so it’s use in casual writing usually comes across as out of place.

The second use, which came to my mind about 11:00 last night, is also common, but should be avoided when possible by rewriting the sentence.

What, you’ve heard me say that before? :slight_smile:

Yah, that’s what I always do when I can’t decide if a sentence is correct. When in doubt, recast!

You rang? :wink:

Sorry I’m late, but I’ve been busy in meatspace. Go figure!

In answer to your question – what they said! Carry on.

Okay, Scarlett, you’re gonna have to explain that one! :confused:

Does it have something to do with your copyediting, or have you been slaughtering cattle? :smiley:

To those of you who answered my question in Scarlett’s absence, my thanks; moreover, my profuse gratitude! (that still don’t look right, y’all!;))


I presume “meatspace” = “real life”. I’m perhaps wrong but I seem to recall the phrase from William Gibson’s Neuromancer or the like.

ndorward is correct about the definition – it’s the complement of “cyberspace.” I forget where I picked it up, but I like the concept!