Schizoid and schizophrenic (accent/pronunciation)

Some questions about how to say these words; first - is there a difference between how British and Americans pronounce them?
is the sch pronounced “sk” or “sc” like scissors? or “sh”?
Is the z like “itso” or “izzo”? is the e in enic like scene or hen?


Dunno where you’re from or if this will be helpful. I’m from New York, and it’s SK, ITSO, and PHREN-rhymes-with-HEN

Same for this Australian. Now is that shindler or skindler?

Same for this Brit, too.

Same here, in Ohio.

San Diego psychologist here:
SKIT-so-frenick and SKEEZ-oyd. Schizophrenia is an Axis I major mental disorder; Schizoid is one of several (Axis II) personality disorders.

lol that’d be Schindler beginning with a voiceless alveopalatal fricative (SH). So i suppose if you want to hear someone pronounce schizo with a “sh”, ask a german. Maybe.