I remember wondering about this years ago, but am not certain that I received a straight answer. I didn’t have the greatest physical fitness level, but managed to do decently enough to get through grade school, middle school, high school and college.
Do (or did) grades (e.g. letter grades) in Physical Education classes ever depend on raw physical ability or performance, such as strength, endurance, flexibility, or dexterity? E.g. can you actually fail P.E. or get a low grade because you aren’t strong enough, or because you have a disability?
Dad: “How was school, son?”
Kid: “Terrible.”
Dad: “Why?”
Kid: “We’re doing the Mile Run in P.E. The rules are 7 minutes or less = A, 7-8 minutes = B, 8-9 minutes = C, 9-10 = D, and anything below that is an F. I was clocked at 9.43 minutes.”
Dad: “Be thankful that at least you can run. Back in '95 when your Aunt Sally was in high school she was hit by a car when crossing the street and was in a wheelchair for a year. When the class did the Mile Run they just threw her face-down on the track and told her ‘Do, or do not, there is no try.’ and gave her a big fat F. She’s still bitter.”