Scientific research of food grade diatomaceous earth?

Sure, it’s woo-woo, but you came to the right place, your suspicious were well founded- thanks!

I hope you’ll forgive me for not finding creationist tax-frauds a convincing source of information. Also, if your vocation has exposed you to bio-accumulating chemicals and heavy metals, eating sand is not going to rid you of them.

ETA: Unless you are a zombie. I think their digestion works differently from ours.

How would having DE, which pretty much amounts to sand, going through your digestive tract remove chemicals and heavy metals from your body?

A young-earth creationist whose positions have been criticized even by other young-earth creationists? That isn’t exactly the best argument for eating silicon dioxide.:dubious:

Heh. I was about to post a warning based on another DE thread we had around here a while ago. It was started by a True Believer, who got thoroughly crushed and debunked to death, and then resurrected by at least three more over the next year or so, only to go through the same old arguments again and again. I was going to suggest something similar might happen here. Looks like I’m too late again.

I have banned the spammer, but since there are so many replies, I just redacted the links and left the original post there.

No it isn’t. Silica is a chemical. Everything is a chemical.

You’re kidding. Silicon dioxide is a chemical? God, they’re EVERYWHERE.

My dad started taking this stuff several months ago. A few days ago while in the emergency room, he learned he had four kidney stones, two in each kidney. I’m not saying that the DE caused them, but it scared him enough to stop taking it.

Does anyone know the difference between food grade and non food grade DE? I want to use it to keep parasites off my chickens but don’t see why I need food grade DE for this.



Are you even able to find non-food-grade DE? Or … is that the stuff you get at the pool supply store for filtration? (Is it that much cheaper?)


I have no idea. My wife just mentioned that we needed some “food grade DE” for the chicken house and my immediate thought was “Why food grade to kill bugs with?” Not really sure if there is non food grade but if there is, it should cost less.



Thank you, captain obvious. In the context of the original post, I was trying to indicate that it was a pest-control device that works mechanically, not through chemical reactions. In other words, it kills bugs not by poisoning them, but by slicing holes in their outsides, rendering them somewhat soon after dead by dehydration.

From what I have been able to tell, food grade DE is the following: freshwater diatoms (rather than salt-water), more finely ground than pool grade (smaller-finer cutting edges), isn’t heat-treated (leaving it a powder instead of caking into larger solid chunks) and is more consistently silica-only (instead of having other clay or sediment involved as filler).

This link is from a provider of food-grade DE, but it’s the least “woo” I could find. The Wiki article is fairly straightforward also.


Thanks for this. I hadn’t read up on the amorphous vs crystalline versions of this. I guess I’ll just get the food grade stuff.

Thanks again


My thanks as well. I tried searching around for explanations of the difference, and the wiki article - while thorough on the general matter - didn’t explain the exact details (to me, at least) well enough for me to sum it up succinctly like that.

Hey, testy - are you talking about external or internal parasites on your chickens?


External. If I understood correctly, we scatter it around the chicken house and it kills mites. (Possibly fleas or some other kind of bug) The web sites I saw about using it for internal parasites seemed iffy at best. In any event, I don’t think the chickens have internal parasites.



Food grade DE is not chemically treated, that’s the main difference. If you are going to put it into your body, or your pet’s body, near your food that you are growing, you don’t want chemicals in it.

The non food grade is deadly to animals and people and used in swimming pool chemicals. Stay away from it, dangerous.:wink:

Hi, I new to this sight have had found several website regarding DE. I got very sick first part of November and was on different (6) different medications including steroids to no avail. My neighbor told me about DE so ordered some right away.

I have read more negative comments about DE than positive. After taking DE for a week started feeling better (this was first part of December). I take a tsp three times a day will no ill effects and feel wonderful and even use it with my toothpaste when brushing my teeth. Wow, great tarter remover.

I have been giving it to my dogs/cats, their coats are shinier, soft and they have so much more energy and seem happier.

Some is absorbed into the bloodstream and cleans out your arteries, they claim, guess I will not know that until I have another test done.

It is not a chemical yet a mineral and when you buy Food Grade it has other minerals also that are beneficial.

It kills all kinds of pests so be careful you do not want to lose the beneficial ones. I have forwarded some questions to one website with additional questions and will post them with the responses when I get them.

Most sites I have read state you really cannot overdose on this stuff yet certainly will not take more than two tablespoons a day. I could go on and on yet this is my opinion only that it is great stuff. Going to start some of my horses, I have 13, on it then compare results with the other worm medicines I do not like giving to my horses.

I hope everyone really check out all the websites that have Food Grade DE, you can believe them or not, your chose. God Bless and Happy New Year.

Diatomaceous Earth is just a form of clay made up of the exoskeletons of diatoms, little sea creatures. Silica, sand, that is all it is.

It has the same nutritional properties as ordinary sand does, meaning none at all. If your dogs and cats coats seem shinier and the animals are happier you are imagining this.

DE kills garden pests, worms and insects because the little exoskeletons are just like little pieces of ground glass and poke holes in the pest’s bodies.