Scientists Develope "Brain Chip"

Well I would assume tht when this becomes commercial there will be a market of extra RNA memory so you can store extra information. Or even a port in your head so you can transfer in and out whatever you need to know at the time.

Considering what the state of the art in terms of communications technology may be by that point… a silicon-brain interface has many implications. Just imagine being able to integrate your thoughts into a world-wide network and have your consciousness travel to any point in the world.

Bleh, sucks that there is no way I’d ever live long enough to see something like that.

Gee, I wonder if Sony will modify their Memory sticks so I can have archives of memories…

funny thing is I would look at the labels for those sticks and go, “gee… I dont remember any of that…”

…I know Kung Fu!

:frowning: nobody remembers the Matrix anymore…?

I knew that, It is one of my favorite movies, the thing was that I was taking into account what Epimetheus then later said.

[sub]I would have asked: nobody remembers Master Po?![/sub]

Just remember… the rich will be able to afford the best chips and thier kids will out-compete you in that job interview.
“Sorry but Winthrop the third has the latest C8000, while you just have last years’ C6400.” How much of your brain can be replaced before you are no longer you? No thanks.