Scotland Yard = Then & Now

The eleven murders ascribed to “Jack the Ripper” occurred in the fall of 1888 with the last in February of 1889.
An enduring mystery and not even Scotland Yard could find the culprit.
Today just a few days following the 4 terrorist blasts in the London underground and on one bus the culprits have been identified and much addition information has and is being accumulated.

What a difference a ‘day’ makes!

First, Jack the Ripper is usually credited (if that’s the word) with only five murders – connection with any others if flimsy at best.

Second, as luck would have it, Jack the Ripper inconsiderately omitted to leave personal documents at the scenes of his crimes, or get caught on CCTV.

Third, what exactly are you trying to say?

Eleven is the popular version of events.

Either JtR was smarter than the terrorists or they are stupid with respect to clues or don’t care.

What a difference a ‘day’ makes! or times have changed, S.Y. has more sophisticated capabilities.

PS: Note the forum.

Well, if the intention was to be “suicide bombers”, I don’t suppose they would care, really.