September 26, 2005 - The Census Bureau awards a $500+ million contract to the Lockheed Martin Corporation for the 2010 Census Decennial Response Integration System (DRIS).
September 6, 2007 - The Census Bureau awarded its 2010 Census communications contract, worth an estimated $200 million, to Draftfcb of New York.
March 30, 2009 - The Census Bureau launches a massive operation to verify and update more than 145 million addresses as it prepares to mail out 2010 census questionnaires.
July 23, 2009 - The Census Bureau began printing 2010 Census questionnaires.
October 26, 2009 - The Census Bureau launches the 2010 Census Web Site.
January 17, 2010 - First 2010 Census television advertisement airs during NBC’s Golden Globe Awards broadcast.
January 18, 2010 - The 2010 census advertising campaign officially launches.
January 25, 2010 - Remote Alaska enumeration begins.
March 1, 2010 - 2010 census questionnaires begin arriving in mailboxes throughout the United States and Island Areas.
March 8, 2010 - Advance letters are mailed to 120 million addresses nationwide, notifying households that 2010 Census forms will be arriving March 15 -17.
April 1, 2010 - Census Day. Households are asked to supply data in their census questionnaire that is accurate as of April 1.
April 30, 2010 - Enumerators begin door-to-door operations to collect census data from households to follow up with households that either didn’t mail back their form or didn’t receive one.
July 30, 2010 - The toll-free telephone assistance line is closed, ending 2010 census data collection. More than 130,000 interviews were completed via the toll-free line.
August 10, 2010 - The Census Bureau announces that it will return $1.6 billion to the U.S. Treasury as a result of lower-than-expected census costs.
October 21, 2010 - The final 2010 census mail response rate is announced as 74 percent - matching Census 2000’s rate.
December 21, 2010 - The Census Bureau announces the 2010 population counts and delivers the apportionment counts to the president.