SCOTUS has ruled against citizenship question.

Well, this is good news.

#SCOTUS has ruled AGAINST adding the #CitizenshipQuestion to #Census2020. This is a major win for democracy, but the fight to ensure every voice is heard is not over. We must continue reassuring communities of color that census participation is safe, important, and necessary.

I don’t think the thread title fully or even accurately characterizes what happened today.

They sent it back down because of new evidence that seems to contradict testimony provided.

So it was struck down, or merely postponed?

And if the new evidence hadn’t emerged, by the way, the Justices said that the citizenship question would not violate the Constitution.


In other words, “Try again, but do your homework better?”

I thought the Census Bureau had to get the forms printed before the end of the month. Even if the lower court allows the question, isn’t it too late anyway?


I certainly hope so! By the time the agency resubmits everything, and the challenges are filed it will be too late for this census.

AIUI, there is no official deadline for the agency to have it done by the end of June. They could have it done even by October.

Quite frankly, I’m not sure even why it would take long at all. The machinery required to print 300 million forms sounds like something that could be done in a matter of mere days. Certainly there are businesses and industries that churn out that sort of production regularly.

Bolding Mine.
Yes, you’re right Bo, I apologize. I did not have a clear understanding of the ruling before I posted.

Trumps wants to see if the census can be delayed until the administration has time to address the courts questions about the validity of including the citizenship question.

As the census is governed by Article 1 Section 2 of the Constitution:

It appears that it would be required within 10 years of the last census.

“Aye, but what does ‘10 years’ really mean? And what about ‘in such Manner as they shall by Law direct’? I know: we can just pass a law that says we do it every 20 years and if that’s a problem we’ll pass a law defining 10 years as being 20 years. Done and done.”

Totally understandable error, IMO. Good on you for coming back to acknowledge it.

For references’ sake, here are the “key dates” from the 2010 census:

From NYT:

Have you been living under a rock? Print media has been a dying industry. I’m sure that printer capacity today is very much different than it was in 2009/2010. My point is that you can’t take statistics from 10 years ago and make a comparison to today’s environment.

I’m seeing some notes that, in addition to The Citizenship Question scandal, another is that the company contracted to print the census forms went out of business.

Was that a no-bid contract?

Did they actually take the $61M and then say, “Gosh, we’re outta money. Bye guys!” (or does payment come afterward? Who can afford all that paper and ink without an advance on the contract?)

In any case, that would seem to cause enough of a delay on its own.

And while it’s ideal for the Decennial Census to be held and wrapped-up within a X0 year, Perhaps it’s sufficient to have it mailed & delivered within 2020 with responses being tabulated and delivered shortly after Feb 1 of the next year? Is there something stating clearly that the results have to beon the President’s desk before the x0 year is over?



Here’s CNN on the CJ’s decisive vote: How John Roberts killed the census citizenship question | CNN Politics