SCOTUS upholds ACA subsidies


I’ll bet a lot of Republicans are relieved–hell, those dogs almost caught that car! Then what were they gonna do??

Details on the decision

For being so important, I am sure it is something most of us want to just assume it done so we can focus on other stuff.

One tidbit: as a healthcare exec, I get newsletters and updates. One respected newsletter just sent out an update: the whole reason there was the 4-word phrase that was questioned and raised up to SCOTUS had nothing to do with State vs. Federal. It was phrased that way so that only STATES could set up exchanges, and private healthcare Brokers could not.

A quote from the update:

Fascinating that this intent was not allowed to be disclosed until after the ruling, but it is interesting to consider it given that SCOTUS knew.

So it was never “federal” v. “states”; it was always “government (state gov’t or federal gov’t)” v. “private.”