Screen shots of the new site (still in development)

Yeah, they’re the avatars of the… best?.. posters in the thread. The OP and the most recent poster are always shown. If the OP happens to also be the most recent poster, a blue halo will appear around the OP’s avatar.

Looking good.

But you’ve got to include the “It’s taking longer than we thought” tagline in there!

Where are the bells? Where are the whistles?

Seriously, as long as it actually works, who’s to complain.

Bells and whistles.

Can someone like the Grapist make everything purple?
Is it possible to embed the animated GIF’s like the board originally had?

TubaDiva I’m just kidding with you. I have to say that reading the threads I started on the board has helped over the years to remember a lot of things that I lost all the memories of. Have a good day, Harmonious Discord. I’m Glad the new home will still have the old stuff on it.

Blue halos? :dubious:

I’m sure I can make something sinister out of that. :wink:

Seriously, thanks for the information.

you read my mind, I was going to ask about screencaps of the new layout.

edit: and what’s funny is I haven’t had any timeouts, 504s, or anything since you posted about the transition. I think vBulletin is aware it’s about to be taken out behind the shed and is being extra good…

edit 2: and making me look dumb is I got a “Bad Gateway” as I was trying to update this post :smiley:

I hate the first 2, but the rest are great! (I’m hardly ever going to use the first 2 anyway. So NBD)

Why is the a Windows logo to the left of the search box on the first image?

It’s a screenshot of the whole desktop.

You’re looking at the task bar of the Windows PC. That’s the Windows search icon and the Windows task bar. It has nothing to do with the browser or the web site.

The SDMB message board search is the magnifying glass search icon on the upper right. Click on that and a search box pops up.

Anyone else feel like a kid on Christmas morning?

(we’re all sitting on the top step while Tuba Diva makes coffee and “neatens up the piles that Santa left… just a few more minutes, kids.” “Mommmmmmmm…”)

The “New Front Page” screen shot doesn’t look the way it should, I think.

It looks like it has just two main categories, labeled “Site Feedback” and “Main”, with a bunch of sub-categories under “Main” that are the forum names we have here. And those aren’t even all listed on separate lines, and they don’t have a brief description of each forum like we have here. (Is the layout still a work in progress?)

Contrast with the Categories page on the Demo site – Each category there has its own title line in larger heading-size type and each has its own brief description – much more like the Forums page we have here.

You couldn’t include the lines on the banner that say “Fighting Ignorance Since 1973” and “(It’s taking longer than we thought)” ? Is the banner a block that you can format with text any way you want, or is it an image that you supply?

In the NEW TOP POSTS screen shot, there are two examples of this: The second thread on the page (Coronavirus COVID-19 Breaking News) and the last thread on the page (Recent server timeout errors – Anyone else getting them?)

The first of the five avatars on each of those has that blue ring around them. It’s a bit hard to see on these screen shots. It’s even a bit hard to see on a live full-size screen.

Can we have gif avatars? I should choose one of a squirrel having a panic attack, if I could find one. I am going to try hard to care less and be cool with just popping in occasionally, always losing my place, never being able to keep up, and being unable to save anything for offline reading. The last one is the hardest. If I could still save stuff then I could keep up.

First I lost my house, then I lost my kitty, and now I’ve lost my forum. imagine adorable squirrel breathing into a paper sack

The only possible good thing is that now it will be harder for people to find old threads. Especially if you originally posted on page 95 of a 200 pager. It would take 3 hours to scroll down that far. I doubt anyone has time for that.

I found the perfect one to use.

Please, please no .gif avatars! They are so distracting. I have lodged few concerns about this forum or how it is run, but I beg you – no on the .gif avatars.

Sorry, Anxious Squirrel. Yours sounds cute, but I would loathe you within an hour.

That’s okay. I posted it on Facebook instead. I’m trying to find a cute image instead, but none of the squirrels look anxious enough.

I owe you one. :slight_smile: Thanks for being a mensch.

Nice job!