Scrubs 2/3

Well, of course in the real world Todd would have been fired long ago for sexual harassment.

But whatever his flaws, Todd doesn’t seem to be lazy, and back when they were interns, Dr. Wen (Todd & Turk’s attending) identified Todd as the best surgical intern of the group. Todd is socially clueless, but professional proficient.

That’s the imprssion we’re supposed to get from a few things said about Todd, but his character is basically a raving dumbass.

Anyhow, I always thought Ed just needed a chewing out or an adjustment period, then he’d be a good doctor. Your prediction is interesting (especially since it would really incorporate Ted & Cox), and I’ll be interested in seeing if it comes true.

Bear in mind that we see most of the action through JD’s eyes. Not only is he not a terribly reliable narrator, but he doesn’t interact with Todd on a professional level as much as he interacts with Cox & Eliot.

Stephanie’s face reminds me of the female romantic leads in Tezuka’s work.

Wait, how unreliable is JD supposed to be as a narrator? Also, how much are we really supposed to be seeing through his eyes? I know there are a bunch of scenes that he isn’t a part of.

These are interesting questions that need to be answered, Skald. Maybe we should start another thread.

I’ve liked the new interns. Well, maybe not liked exactly, but I’ve enjoyed them. Even Ed.

I figure JD imagines the scenes he isn’t a part of. For example, the final scene with Ted romancing the cute girl on the sofa.

I am morally certain (i.e., I assert the proposition to be true without a scintilla of evidence) that vast swaths of what we see on screen happens only in JD’s fertile and uncontrollable imagination.

Ed had already gotten his chewing out from Cox, remember? And Cox, at that time, wasn’t merely an attending; he was the chief of the residency program. When your boss’s boss specifically tells you, explicitly, in a sit-down-meeting, that you need to improve in a crucial area, and you ignore it; and then, after said boss gets a huge promotion and not only repeats said warning but CANCELS ALL YOUR OTHER DUTIES so that you can attend to that one area, it’s a clue that your job is in jeopardy.

Ed screwed up the most important element of any job: not pissing off the big boss.

I just a year 5 (maybe 4) episode where it was shown that JD did not see women wearing Wedding rings. This would at least support your proposition.

Stop reading my mind, damn it! I came back in to mention that!

Even more explicit in that regard is the Butterfly Effect episode. Also, in one episode we see JD writing in his diary in the last scene, and his voice-over is clearly meant to be the entry he is writing. I’d say a good deal of what happens on screen is just his imagination.

Couple things:

  1. The chewing out Ed got from Cox was much less threatening & critical than numerous ones I’ve seen him give to JD, Elliot, and probably some other interns. All he really said was “Here’s why I don’t like you”. I can’t think of anyone on the show who hasn’t been on the receiving end of that conversation from Cox.

  2. When asked if his laziness was affecting his work, Cox told Ed that it was not. He then said he’d be there to tell him if it ever did. The incident that got him fired was really a big test given by Cox, and didn’t involve Ed’s work directly with patients.

It will be interesting to see what part Ed will play going forward, because I see a lot of potential for character development underneath the rich feaux-ghetto stereotype.

I hope Bill Lawrence doesn’t cop out at the series finale, when we snap to and discover the entire series has been nothing more than a JD fantasy before he opens his MCAT test results…and finds out he failed.

That, or we snap to and Turk says, “You ready, buddy?” and they walk into Sacred Heart together as interns, to find Cox a warm and fuzzy doctor, Eliot a with-it supermodel who’s graduated med school on her father’s inheritance to spite her mother, Carla is the attending surgeon and already married, and Janitor is Chief of Medicine, and Tod is gay. (Okay, maybe that last one isn’t such a stretch.)

IOW, no Bobby Ewing in the Shower or St. Elsewhere is a snow globe resolution.

I’m not clear on what you’re saying, ivy. Do you mean you hope that Lawrence doesn’t reveal that the whole series is a dream, or that he does?

No, I DON’T want the entire series to be a dream. To me, that would be a cop-out. Get some resolution as we bid the characters farewell, so we can look back on the series with a smile.