SD Match Game... Beatles style

Figured we might have a bit of fun with this… ya’ll are likely familiar with the Match Game format, fill in the blanks thing…

"Boy, this new remastered Beatles CD is great. On Strawberry Fields Forever, apparently John wasn’t saying ‘I Buried Paul’, he was saying _______ "
Some starters…

Vote Ron Paul… Vote Ron Paul…
*fer shizzle. fer shizzle. fer shizzle. *
*pwn #fail. pwn #fail. pwn #fail. *

“…better get a prenup, Paul.”

“…Blackberry, now!” John was a technological visionary.

Here’s one. “The sound on A Day in the Life is so clear, during the crescendo you can actually hear the _______”

… engineer snoring.

first recorded Yoko joke in history :wink:

…you can actually hear the scream of a butterfly.

… the orchestra musicians asking, “What the hell are we playing, anyway?”

Mutts outside barking in response to the dog whistle John was blowing into.