SDMB December Birthdays!

Since it’s the first of the month, happy bithday to all Dopers born in the best month of the year. If you were born on the 13[sup]th[/sup], double plus good :smiley:

Ironically I just logged on and it’s just after midnight, so you’re the first person to wish me happy birthday. (I’m 38 today.) Thanks. :smiley:

Where’s Flamsterette or cityboy, those no-good slackers? :smiley:

I just created the thread, Q.E.D. :stuck_out_tongue:

Cityboy and I discussed it this morning, and since he’s experiencing certain DSL issues, we decided I would do it.

We had NO idea that Tapioca Dextrin would sneak in on us.

Sneakin’s what I’m best at :slight_smile:

That’s the birthday thread. :smiley:

Tapioca Dextrin: Well, did you want to do some birthday thread duties too? :slight_smile:

Say, in the new year? :smiley:

I’m strictly a December kind of guy. Anyway, who knows where I’ll be next year?

All right, we’ll keep that in mind. :smiley:

Closed at the request of the OP.

Cajun Man
for the SDMB