SDMB Retrospective US Presidential Elections 1904

Sad. But, please remind me, what has any of that to do with Roosevelt or 1904?

Absolutely nothing to do with the election of 1904. Got a bit off topic.

T.R. won by an even bigger landslide here than he did in 1904, and that’s saying something.

Indeed. It is saying that court historians in their lust for the aggrandizement of government power, especially exercised by a quixotic executive with folksy charm, have succeeded in persuading the general public that someone (who loved war so much he designed and advocated a war of conquest, with strong racial overtones, in which the native population lost hundreds of thousands of lives) like Roosevelt was an everyman. They’ll probably give the same treatment to George W Bush.

I’d have voted for TR. Probably the last good Republican president there was. Trustbusting- good. National parks- good. Sending gunboats down to Panama so it could declare independence from Colombia- not so good.

:dubious:The who?

:dubious: :dubious: “Everyman”? Nobody would have called Roosevelt that while he lived, and nobody thinks of him that way now.

Poll closed already? Darn. Put me down for TR anyway.

Roosevelt wins in a landslide. BULLY!

And huzzah!