Wow. In 1960 there was the Prohibition Party? Who knew. Seems they were around in 2012 too. Their convention was held at the Holiday Inn Express, Cullman, Alabama.
Somehow I don’t think Nixon is going to get many votes in this poll.
Socialist Workers could’ve turned my head, but I usually just vote for them for things like Trustee of the University of Illinois. I think that board may be more inclusive now, but I went to a state school in Illinois that was not granted the same status of having its trustees on the state ballad, so fuck U of I.
Would that be Chicago’s If You Leave Me Now?
Of course I’d vote for JFK. And it would have paid off, for the way he handled the Cuban Missile Crisis if nothing else. Thank goodness we didn’t have to find out what Nixon would have done.
Side note- I’m fairly certain it was the Socialist Labor Party, not Labour. You might be fond of the British spelling but as a proper noun I think it’s correct to spell it the way that the person or group in question spells it. Thus you see US papers refer to the UK’s Labour Party.
Yet, for some reason, Australia has a Labor Party, even though they don’t usually spell “labor” that way.
OTOH, I’ve seen some people write things like “Pearl Harbour”.
I think it had to with a spelling modernization attempt in Australia.
With the benefit of hindsight, of course, there’s no freakin’ way I’d vote for Nixon for anything other than a seat on the bus to hell. For nearly 30 years after his resignation, I never expected to see a worse President in my lifetime.
So Kennedy it is.
nm - double post
Sorry I missed the poll here, but definitely JFK. Despite all his many failings, I’m a big fan.