Seacrest's sexuality

Why do people seem to joke or imply that Ryan Seacrest is gay? First of all, who cares, and second, he’s hardly what one would call flaming.

I don’t know if this is true, but I swear I read Simon Cowell was on Leno and Jay asked if it was true that Playgirl offered Ace Young $20,000 to pose, and Simon said Ryan offered $200,000.

He’s metrosexual. His little beard. His cutesy style.

Hard to pinpoint any more than that.

Implying / guessing at celebrities being gay has been a Hollywood sport since, well, ever.

As for Ryan Seacrest, if he is he’s managed to be very discreet about it–and considering the tabloid attention he gets that’s saying something.

He was all over the gossip pages a month or so ago for cavorting w/ Teri Hatcher, and I believe they were photographed kissing. Teri was quoted later about Seacrest breaking things off once the media attention started, and that she was pretty bummed out by it. No cite for any of this, but a Google search should find lots of info on it.

Actually, Ryan Seacrest is rather indecisive about his sexuality. For some bizarre reason, he comes out every Tuesday, then thinks it over and decides to go straight again the next day. That’s why we always hear him say, “Seacrest out!”


…I think a lot of the rumors stem from his Pre-American Idol appearence on the TV show Blind Date. He came off as kind of guy and did the show to promote his radio show.

You see, it’s fun to pick on people, sometimes. I’m not the Hollywood-gossippy type by any means, but if he is, that’s fine.

My favorite barb in this battle was by David Spade. On his show on Comedy Central, he showed a picture of Seacrest and Teri Hatcher kissing. Spade says “Wait a second…Teri Hatcher is a dude?”

Makes me giggle every time I hear it because it’s just so damned cold and is two birds with one stone.

I’m puzzled by the gay jokes too because Seacrest is one of those guys who seems to epitomize asexuality to me. . .very much in the “Dick Clark” or “Kasey Kasem” mode.

He’s designed to look as inoffensive as possible, neutral. He doesn’t give off a gay vibe to me at all, and I’ve never seen him fawn over any male or female contestant. He’ll make comments about someone looking good, but never does he actually seem turned on like Paula or Simon.

However, I think he does a good job. That’s all I ever think when I see him, “oh, job well done”. As much as anyone, he’s responsible for setting the tone of the show; it would be easy for him to take it too seriously, or not seriously enough but he finds thee right middle ground.

He’s a toucher, definitely. He gets right up on contestants, putting his arm around them, patting them, standing so close you couldn’t wedge a tissue in between…but he does it with both male and female contestants. It seems to be just the way he is, not sexual but his idea of being friendly. The thing is, though, when he drapes his arm on a female contestant, few people even comment, and I don’t believe I’ve ever heard anyone call harassment. But just let him touch a male contestant’s elbow, and everyone yells “Gay gay gay!!!” Guess that’s one of the few barriers still in place in American society.

I think it is largely to the “Let’s make hollywood actors gay” game as mentioned above. What doesn’t help his case though is his pretty boy looks, his flamboyance and his well dressed nature.

Seacrest? Isn’t he that horse in the movie with Toby McGuire?

I second everything in this post. He’s just so very Ken doll, with the bland blonde good looks and the well-built but not overly muscled body and the outfits. And I’m quite sure if you removed his pants you’d fine a built-in pair of boxer-briefs, just like Ken. Like you said, he seems so asexual.

And you have to respect him for working as hard as he does, with the radio shows and the American Idol and all that. And really, I don’t watch AI very often, but in the few episodes I’ve seen he’s the guy holding a live show together.

I can’t wrap my head around people spending so much time and energy trying to “out” celebs. Full blogs are dedicated to it. What the hell is wrong with people? He’s straight, or he’s gay, whatever.

He’s been in the grocery store I go to several times that I’ve been there and he does indeed strike me as gay. I thought that before I even knew who he was or had heard about the rumors.

Why? Was he buying homo milk?

Gaydar thing. I don’t pretend that it’s scientific or anything, just that the person that was there struck me as being gay and it just happened to be him.

Ryan Seacrest doesn’t “read” gay to me, and I like to think my gaydar is pretty accurate. I suspect it’s just wishful thinking on some folks’ parts.

:smiley: Thank god I wasn’t drinking anything (like homo milk) when I read that, for the sake of my computer.

I think a lot of it is jealousy. Seacrest has no real talent, but is a huge sucsess. And as much as people hate to admit it his is VERY LIKEABLE.

People always like to run down people who are nice looking and seemingly get someplace despite not doing anything to achieve this. Take a look at Joey Heatherton or Charo? What ever did THEY DO? Except look good. Or I recall after Suzanne Sommers got tossed of of “Three’s Company,” and she was doing her “comeback.” They showed her doing specials of her singing to army camps. I was like “Yeah put Suzanne Sommers in a pair of shorts infront of a bunch of serviceman, they don’t really CARE about how she sings.”

I read David Cassidy’s autobiography in which he states he was often thought of as being gay. He says he is not but he understand why. Because his features are soft and he is slight of build. (By the way in the book he states his dad was bisexual and he is “very well endowed.” Since that is all that was worth reading, you don’t have to buy the book now.)

So I think trying to “pin” somthing on Ryan is just a way the Hollywood gossips do. They have to say SOMETHING about him. And if he’s a nice guy, with nice looks, and bland, what else can they say?

No no no… you’re thinking of Seabiscuit. Seacrest is the American Idol host who just wants to be ridden hard and publicly by a riding crop toting Tobey McGuire.

I’ve heard.

I don’t know that personally.

The only time I ever had sex with him he didn’t seem to enjoy it at all, which leaves me to believe he’s either straight or maybe just doesn’t like blackberry cobbler on his chest.

All you have mentioned here are female; of course they can be famous for looking nice.
And last I checked, Joey Heatherton and Charo were singers. Thats what they did. They weren’t that bad, either.
Not to nitpick, but I thought Suzanne Somers left the show herself, on bad advice from her agent, saying she deserved more money.