Search for image - help/expertise sought

I have seemingly exhausted google and yahoo’s capacity to search for specific images on the Internet. I was trying to find a copy of a photo of former Canadian Alliance Party leader Stockwell Day in a nationally notorious photo of him showing off his “karate” moves while using his necktie as a headband.

I can find a number of pics of “Stock” in less than flattering poses… but this one seems to be eluding me.

I have used the image search on google, yahoo, the hotbot family… and am unable to find this image. Does anyone have practical advice on other ways to search for a specific image on the internet (or even better, does anyone have a copy of this image)?

I have found lots of text references to the picture, but cannot find the picture itself… (hopefully, the text references indicate that this was not a hallucination on my part).

Thanks in advance for any helpful suggestions anyone might have.

Still hoping someone out there will have some helpful pointers on finding well hidden images on the net.

If it is being elusive to such searches as “stockwell karate” and such, then it is probably pretty non-popular or has just never been posted with any sort of descriptive caption.
Only hope is to do a brute force look through all 80,000 hits that google returns.
Alternately, you can try and track down some expert on the subject by posting to usenet or some message boards on fan sites.