Searching for a specfic word (possible mental block)

My wife is looking for w word she vaguely recalls, a term for someone of rigid, fixed beliefs who has little tolerance for the worldviews of others. She thinks it might have “idio” in it somewhere or a short “i” sound.

Naturally, possibly due to the power of suggestion, I can’t think of such a word once she’s told me she’s mentally blocked on it.

I’m guessing she’s looking for a noun, not an adjective like “inflexible.”

Any guesses?

“Idiot” comes to mind snicker


Ideologue even?|en&hl=en&sa=X&ei=aTYSTcGfOcq3hAeV4IW3Dg&ved=0CBkQmwMoAA

Also known to be spelled as idealogue, though not often

That’s it! :smack: Thanks!

Well, I was confused because I thought you were looking for a “w word.” I now see that was a typo.

Funny I used that in a post yesterday.