Searching for a three letter word....

From the FAQ

I don’t usually use the search function, but I just watched the movie One Hour Photo last night and I wanted to see what people on the boards might have said about it. So I went to the search page and searched for “One hour photo” in Cafe Sociey over the past 6 months, and got a lot of hits for the movie I was looking for, but also for the word “one”. Admiteddly, all of these hits seem to be in a thread where the phrase “one hour photo” was also found, but the word “one” is highlighted alone as well.

Is there some explanation for this? Can 3-letter words be found by Search if they are part of a phrase? I’m confused!


IIRC, it was Arnold who explained this to me. The 3-letter word was ignored in the actual search, but all the words in the search phrase were highlighted. If you search on “hour photo”, you should get the same results.

Oh, that makes sense. Like I said, I don’t usually use the search function, so it never even occured to me to try a different search to compare results. I just thought it was odd and the FAQ didn’t cover it (at least not in my quick perusal of it).



You should get the same posts, but not the same results, since “one” will not be highlighted.


It seems the search function and the highlight function are not well-coordinated in vB. Typical programming error.

You can tell it to highlight anything you want manually, with some interesting results sometimes. Here’s a link to this thread with a lot of common words ( as well as this entire phrase ) highlighted:

I’m tempted to start appending “highlight=red” to every link I post :D.

But I imagine that wouldn’t be a good idea? Does it cost the server any more to deliver a page with highlights than one without? How much more? Is it worth worrying about?

I don’t know. I wonder too. I have been conscientious about removing the highlighted words from my search results. This has little to do with bandwidth considerations on my part, though, and more to do with the fact that if people know exactly what I searched for, they could probably figure out some unpleasant things about my psyche. I always find it interesting finding out what words different people remember from threads, by seeing what they searched for. :slight_smile: