Searching for JMW Turner painting

A few years ago I went to an exhibition of Turner in London, and was struck by a picture which seemed to show the interior of an old church or barn, with sunlight streaming through and chickens at the bottom.

For some reason I had remembered it was called “Euweny Priory” but I can’t find anything by that name anywhere. I have scoured the Tate website for “priory” but to no avail. I have looked through several Turner books, but never found it.

I also vaguely remember it was on loan from an American collection/American museum.

If there are any Turner fans or art people out there who know what this painting may be called, and where it is, please post.

On this site, , which is mostly photos of the actual priory, you can see the Turner painting (it’s the last image on the page, down at the bottom.

delphica you are an ANGEL!

No wonder I couldn’t find it, with my dodgy spelling!

Masses and masses of hugs and thanks, this has haunted me for years!

Oh my god! My Aunty Pippa was right!

The full - and weird spooky story - of this painting is that when I saw it in the gallery, I was hugely struck by it, even though it isn’t among Turner most famous (or “best”) pics.

I mentioned it at a family dinner years/months later, and my Aunt said she had a feeling the priory used to belong to our family or something.

Anyway, a family name of ours is Turbervill(e), from the Welsh branch. That website has the following:


Wow, that is neat! They sell postcards (the site claims), you should get one to frame and display a little piece of your family history.

There is something very intriguing about that picture. I like his interiors, even though he is better known for his seascapes and landscapes.

Istara of the Turbervilles eh?

Guess so!

What really captivated me about it - though you can’t really see it in that reproduction - was the quality of the light. It was this golden light, and you could see the straw dust in it somehow, just like in a real barn.