Searching forv Time Travelers

Scientists at Mighigan Technological University have been scouring social media for indications that Time Travelers have inadvertently slipped up and revealed future information:

This is only one story on this phenomenon. I learned about it from an editorial in today’s Boston Globe. You can see others here:

My apologies if this has been covered before*, but when I tried to do a search, it crashed twice.

In any event, there have been stories about apparent time traveler slip-ups (like the silent movie with a possible cell phone), but I know that I’ve seen several eerily accurate predictions and assertions (on places as unlikely as the 1960’s show Laugh In’s “News of the Future”). I’m sure that Dopers can come up with a list of what appear to be Time Traveler slip-ups that will prove the MTU researchers wrong. Or at least justify their getting another grant.

*Maybe we should search for reports of this study printed before it was performed, just as a check.

That’s silly. I know for a fact that they won’t find anything until October 21st of next year.

I knew you were going to post this.

And, I also know that [spoiler]Someone is going to make a crack about funding. Looking at one of the cites, it says they did this on their own.

But you already knew that.[/spoiler]

As I will have said on the previous/prior/conditional incident, this is why they require exteme training and the mind-wipe for near-subjective-future trivia.

Just to prove you wrong, I’m going to make a funding about crack.

Just look for suddenly-wealthy stock market investors and lottery winners.

Sorry, you rang?

I seriously question the common sense of those researchers. Nobody but a few astronomers is going to remember the name of a dud comet 20+ years down the road.

As for the Pope–by what leap of logic do they conclude that a time traveler is going to be interested in religion? It’s a better choice than ISON, but far from an ideal one.

This struck me as just a fun side project for the researchers involved, rather than a serious inquiry into the possibility. I don’t think there’s much utility in deeply analyzing the methodology. I get the impression that Nemiroff would enjoy the increased name recognition from a popular media fluff piece as this, as he’s done a few social media appearances before and may be looking to establish himself as a popularizer of astronomy/physics/science.

I recall an AMA on Reddit not long ago regarding this study. I thought it was Nemiroff that did it, but I can’t seem to find it now, so maybe it was someone else involved. The researcher answered most questions with a “fake” answer that was fun and incorporated references to various fictional time travel tropes, etc. They then followed up with a “real” answer that was an accurate reflection of their research and, sadly, far more boring.

Maybe someone with better Google Fu could summon up a link.