Seasonal Affective Disorder... depression

One of my friends has serious Seasonal Affective Disorder. She is really very badly depressed. We live in Ireland, so it’s kind of a disaster - it’s not like there’s ever much sunshine, but in the winter it’s nearly dark 24 / 7.

Someone told me that there is a lightbulb / lamp that she could buy to aleviate the depression. I told her about it but she’s too down to even give it a try - she just says there’s no point. So I want to get her one.

Here’s the qs. -
i) Does this actually exist ?
ii) If so, does it actually eork ?
iii) If yes, where can I get one ?

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks all…

Here you go
Light boxes

Thanks, but does this really work ?

I would hate to give her a present and get her hopes up and then for nothing to happen…

Does anyone know ?

Well I don’t think it’s quackery, it is a recognised treatment and there is an obvious mechanism for how is works (unlike homeopathy say). I had a quick google and only found commercial stuff but there may be some independant research out there.

And like chicken soup - [jewish-mother]couldn’t hurt[/jewish-mother]

For what it’s worth, I was thinking of getting one of these for myself (and I’m pretty damn sceptical) but I’ve been OK last few winters. Back when I wasn’t paying the electricity bills I used to light my room with a 500 Watt halogen flood lamp to get the same effect.

Suppose you’re right. Also, it beats just meeting up week after week with her looking like she’s gonna top herself…


I sympathise with your friend.
I keep meaning to get around to getting a full spectrum lamp, but at the time of year I need it I can never be arsed. I moved my Irish self to Sweden of all places!
If you contact Aware ( they probably know what is available and where to find it in Ireland. If all else fails, go into a pet-shop and buy some full spectrum bulbs to replace the regular bulbs with :slight_smile:

As for whether it works or not, the government pays for it here, and I guess they wouldn’t subsidise snake-oil. God knows I feel a thousand times better on the bright days.

Light treatment certainly does work for SAD - it’s no quack remedy. However, that assumes that what she suffers from is SAD, and not another depressive disorder. Get her to ask her doctor.

Thanks all.

Yes - it defo is SAD that she has - according to her doctor.

To make it all the more sad - she’s from the south of france and this issue only appeared when she moved here. I keep telling her that she’d be better off back in Toulouse, but what can you do ? She likes it here. Apparently.

Thanks anyway guys.

Hi Achilles - yes, light boxes work. I worked for a company that sold them in addition to a number of other medical products. We would rent them to people for a 2-week trial (it can take a week or so for the person to notice the results) - and I would say that at least 3/4 of those people ended up purchasing the boxes. It’s kind of hit or miss as to how long one needs to sit in front of the box in the morning - the average was about half an hour. For a couple of hundred dollars, I think it would definitely be worthwhile for your friend to try.

PS - you may have heard of things like “sunrise lamps” which are sometimes marketed towards SAD sufferers, but it is my understanding that they do not have the strength of the full-spectrum light boxes.