Get back to me about these scum sucking liars. Oh no! We don’t want to censor anything!
**Intimidate people from expressing ideas? **Oh goodness no! Those dirty marriage stealing fags are your enemies. See! See how happy and more normal than us they think they are!?!?!*#^@ttthhhpppkk!!!
It’s the Secret Service’s *job * to check into threats against the President, regardless of who the President is, who the threatener is (or does), and what form the perceived threat takes. They have to follow up on all of them, even the silliest.
I read the article, and I don’t see the reference to “marriage stealing fags”; are you reading-in a little?
Unfortunately for the Secret Service, they have to check up on all complaints. If I were to call them and say my neighbor was muttering about how someone has to do something about the president, they would have to investigate.
The real pitting is on the bink who called in the complaint.
Sorry, but I’m as against Bush as just about anyone on the boards, but it’s the Secret Service’s job to check things like this out. Nobody was forced to remove anything.
I’m pretty damned liberal, but I agree, the Secret Service did nothing wrong - they heard about something that seemed like it could be a threat to the president, they investigated, the art is still there. In cases like this, they interview the person involved to try to determine their intentions.
Hmm. Things like this really stir the potential crank caller in me.
“Hello? Yes, it’s me again. I’m afraid I had thoughts about force-feeding the President pretzels. Are you going to be sending the happy fun people to see me again? Great! I’ll bake cookies for them! Talk to you the next time I think of violence concerning the President.”
Much as I hate Bush, if I’d seen artwork depicting him with a gun to his head, captioned “Patriot Act”, I’d be likely to call the SS too. That can very easily be construed as a call to violence.
Kolak, it is considered bad form to post essentially the same post in two different forums. I have moved the other version to the Great Debates forum:
It stands a better chance of civilized debate there. Consequently, I’m closing this one.
Please, in future, one post is sufficient to attract attention.