Seeking Excel Gurus: Auto Fill and Formulas

There has to be an easier way to do this…

I am trying to create a spreadsheet that looks (essentially) like this:

=b2 =b3 =b4 =b5 =b6 =b7
=c2 =c3 =c4 =c5 =c6 =c7
=d2 =d3 =d4 =d5 =d6 =d7
=e2 =e3 =e4 =e5 =e6 =e7

I would really rather not type all of it out. I would rather fill in the first cell and use the handy-dandy auto fill function to continue the series (either horizontally or vertically - I’m not picky.) However, if I type “=b2” into the first cell and auto fill horizontally, I get:
=b2 =c2 =d2 =e2 =f2 =g2

and if I auto fill vertically I get:

Is there any way to change auto fill so that it steps the letters horizontally and/or the numbers vertically? (FWIW: I’m using Excel 2007.)

I knew how to do this at one time, but forgot. Let me see if I can shake it out of my brain.

This gives a method. ANother option is to use the OFFSET function.

Try =B2 in the appropriate cell, then fill down and over. The makes an absolute reference. You could similarly do =$B$2 and no matter where you fill that it’s going to reference B2.

Edit upon closer inspection I see that my solution seemed too simple because, err, it is too simple to get the job done.

Try this: let it do it the way it’s doing it, then Copy and Paste Special using “transpose.”

No! Just select “Fill Right”! It’ll populate the cells as you wish…just like the fill down, but it’ll go across. Very simple!

KneadToKnow has got it right. Jinx, reread the OP!