Seen any Wierd Movies?

I am starting this thread to get some suggestions of movies that might interest me…

I like movies like Fight Club and Clockwork Orange that have deeper meaning than what they seem at first glance, and also like movies that challenge your thinking and have surprise endings. I have seen the movies
Pi, CUBE, ExistEnz, Event Horizon
Usual Suspects, Vanilla Sky…
and I am sure many others that are like what I described but can’t name off the top of my head… I plan to see Memento and Frailty soon.

What other movies has anyone seen like the ones described?

Apocalypse Now

I’m in SC by the way, lol. This thread will be moved to the right forum soon, just so you know, anyhow, check out…

  1. Memento

  2. Following

  3. Naked Lunch (While not like the ones you described, it’s the weridest movie I’ve ever seen, period.

  4. Arlington Road

  5. Frailty

  6. Insomnia

  7. One Hour Photo

…if you want more suggestions, just ask me!

Go old school: The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari

Moving this to Cafe Society.

Check out Waking Life which, surprisingly, I’ve never seen discussed on this board. Maybe I’ll get around to starting a thread next time I watch it.

Un Chien Andalou

Waking Life is a damn fine movie, as was its predecessor, Slacker. Both sound like they’d be right up your alley. If you wanna go classic, however, don’t miss 2001: A Space Odyssey, which is the richest film I’ve ever had the pleasure of watching.

The weirdest movie I’ve ever seen has got to be Soul Survivor. I have no idea what that movie was about. I knew more about it from reading the back of the box than from actually watching it!

I don’t reccomend anyone to watch this movie.

weird bordering on disturbing depending on what you find weird… but they are :

1.people underneath the stairs

2.salo: 120 days of sodom

  1. and this b movie with bridgette neilson who was a jail guard in a female prison but have no idea what the name of the movie was called but remember that it was strange.

  2. communion

Watched, “Mulholland Drive,” the other night. Never had a clue what was going on but kept watching just to see what would happen next.

Check out two animated films: Jin-Roh:Wolf Brigade and Ghost in the Shell for films which are beautiful to look at, complicated and fairly thought-provoking.

Being John Malkovich is weird all-right though I thought it made a mistake by shifting from comedy to melodrama about half-way through.

2001: A Space Oddysey: Hailed by many as a masterpiece though I personally found it rather incoherent and consider it rather over-rated. Check it out for yourself.

Just about any movie by Terry Gilliam: Brazil, 12 Monkeys, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Time Bandits

Likewise, many Tim Burton movies: Pee Wee’s Big Adventure, Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands

Also, numerous Fellini films: e.g., 8 1/2, Satyricon, etc.


Now that’s a weird movie!

Waking Life



Requiem for a Dream



Cecil B Demented


Dark City

These are all my favourite movies. To add to those already mentioned, check out Donnie Darko

The most bizarre movie I have seen by far was an Anime called Angel’s Egg. It was directed by Mamoru Oshii (Ghost in the Shell and Jin-Roh FYI. Notice a pattern yet?). The movie was visually stunning and made as close to no sense as anything I have ever seen. There is one scene in a deserted city with cloud shadows moving across the buildings. The shadows become fish shapes that are hunted by men in boats. I saw this back before Anime became really mainstream, so the tape was unsubtitled. As I recall all of 5 lines of dialigue, it wouldn’t have helped. To my utter lack of surprise, it has yet to be officially released in the US.

Urusei Yatsura 2: Beautiful Dreamer was pretty bizarre also, but as it (a) was based on an extremely successful TV series and (b) used a traditional Japanese Myth for plotting purposes, it at least made sense.

Even if it was also directed by Oshii.

Run Lola Run.

Anything by Documentarian Errol Morris.

Clerks. (Preferably the director’s cut with the alternate ending)

[li]Dr Strangelove[/li][li]Solaris (the original) - anything else by Tarkovsky[/li][li]Crash[/li][li]The cook, the thief his wife and her lover - and other Peter Greenaway films[/li][li]Altered States[/li][li]Carnival of Souls (again, the original)[/li][li]The Wicker Man[/li][/list=1]