Seinfeld question

Last night, they aired The Tape where Elaine secretly records a sexy message into Jerry’s tape machine that he uses to record his sets. When Jerry first discovers this message, he’s mesmerized by it, along with George and Kramer. George, I think, asks if he was going to contact this woman, to which Jerry says he can’t because she didn’t leave any contact information.

Later on in the episode, Jerry is getting off the phone with Elaine who has “given” him this woman’s information. I’ve always thought it was odd that Elaine somehow gets this woman’s number and Jerry has no idea how. What we know is Elaine stopped by the club and secretly recorded the message, but nowhere did she mention that she and Jerry hung out after the performance. As far as I know, Jerry didn’t know Elaine was in the club.

So how did she supposedly get this woman’s information? Are we to infer that Elaine told Jerry she stopped by the club, saw this strange woman, and somehow got her phone number from her to give to Jerry? That’s weird series of events that happens off screen that’s pretty unbelievable. Unless I missed something. Do they explain, in any way, during the episode how Elaine supposedly got this woman’s number? Or am I just supposed to infer all of that without question?

I believe he got it from the club manager. Wasn’t he on the phone with him saying “She was the one sitting at the table where I was recording. Oh thanks, thanks very much”? A lot of comedy clubs ask for your phone number so they can add you to their solicitation list (or at least they did before email); I always assumed that’s why they had it.

I thought he was talking to Elaine on the phone? I’ll have to pay more attention next time

I was wondering that, too. I caught it last night, but I muted it during commercials and missed the first couple minutes after when he was figuring it out. Good episode!

You’re so good looking.

Now I have to watch this episode. I’m confused about many of your questions. Do you mean what did Jerry think happened? Because there was no strange woman. Elaine was the woman.

It’s a woman he thinks left the message, b/c she was sitting at the table where he left the recorder.

Ah yes, he is on the phone with the club when he gets the info. Then a few minutes later, he calls Elaine. Still doesn’t quite make sense though, since Elaine says the recorder was backstage, but later Jerry says it was at a table where this other woman was sitting.

. . . We may never find out.

Me too, I really don’t remember the episode very well, but also, it’s not like he didn’t already know her as well.


It’s been awhile since I’ve seen it, but I thought it was just Elaine who played a trick on him. That’s why Jerry, George, and Kramer are all staring at her at the end and she gets creeped out and leaves.

She doesn’t say it was backstage; no comedian would have recorded their set from backstage, haha. Jerry says it was “in the back of the room on the left, she must have been sitting right in front of it.”. Cite.

Sometimes the syndicated reruns are trimmed down to make room for extra commercials. The answer you seek may be on the edit room floor. The DVDs have the full episodes, which you can probably find at your local library.