The problem with the email (which I’ve received as well… or, at least a variant) is that it is based upon any number of faulty assumptions, which a well-researched half-hour can easily dismiss. The email has some plan by an ex-oil industry “executive”, that, properly implemented, could drive the price of gas down to $1.30.
First there’s the assumption that XOM (that’s Exxon-Mobil, btw) is a price-maker for either crude oil or gasoline - it is not. XOM provides less than 20% of the nations gasoline supply and less than 3% of the total global oil flows. While the financials look huge, as a percentage of the size of the global oil industry, Exxon is peanuts. Better to go after Aramco, a $1.6 trillion operation (5 times the size of Exxon) that merely controls the entire output of Saudi Arabia.
Secondly, I have serious doubts it was written by any executive worth the title. Note that they focus not a whit on the financials but spend their mathematical wizardry explaining the exponential power of SPAM! I wonder if I can get him to sign me a contract where I get paid 2 cents for the first chess square, .04 for the second, .08 for the fourth…
Thirdly, let’s look at the $1.30 figure. How, exactly, with $70/barrel oil are we going to get a gallon of gas to $1.30? Modern refining methods extract appx 19 gallons of gasoline per 42 gallon barrel of crude oil. At $70/barrel, that comes to 1.66/gallon of extracted product... .36/gallon over the price objective!
Add distribution (that gas has to get from the refinery to your car somehow), sales, marketing, etc, and all of a sudden you’re looking at a gallon of gasoline that costs well over $2.00/gallon to produce and bring to your gas tank.
Fourthly, if you’re complaining about high gas prices, do note that over 25% of an oil company’s revenues go towards taxes. In XOM’s case, over $95 billion of their $358 billion in 2005 revenues went to taxes - essentially, 1/4 of the company operates as a tax collector for various international (and US) governments. When you shell out (no pun intended) 3.00 for gas, do note that .78 of that is a tax hit (not just the amount on the sticker on the gas pump).
Why don’t these people boycott the government?
Cite: Section 22: Summary Statement of Income