Sell Me On Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Speaking of season 4, you can’t forget those great lines from “Hush”:

Buffy: !!!
Willow: !!!
Buffy: ?!?!
Willow: …

No, the best in that episode is Willow’s “I’ve gone deaf!!”. So very Willow. :slight_smile:

But there’s always the line from the episode I watched earlier tonight: Well buckle up Rupert. I’ve gone pro.

Heh, I thought the best bit in there was Buffy trying to pantomime a staking motion, and everyone totally misintepreting it. That or the proud accomplished look Riley got on his face after smashing the wrong thing in response to Buffy’s pantomimed instructions for him :smiley:

one of my ALLTIME favorites:

**Cordelia: **Senior boys, they have mystery. They have… What’s the word I’m searching for? Cars!

Speaking as a recently converted Buffy fan… I, too, was unimpressed by the first few eps of the first show. It took season 2 to really get me hooked, but I cried like a baby at the end (of season 2). I haven’t been able to get myself hooked on Angel (I may just skip to season 2… season 1 is turning out to be a real drag) but Buffy is awesome - I’m on season 4 now, and averaging an episode a day and 5 on weekends. Almost afraid to get to the end - then what’ll I do? Life will have no meaning!

… or I suppose I could catch up on season 2 of Lost.