Sell Me On Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Also plenty of good serious quotes from the Mind of Whedon, though this is from Angel

“If there’s no great glorious end to all this, if nothing we do matters, then everything we do matters. Cuz that’s all there is. What we do. Now. Today. I fought for so long for redemption, for reward… finally just to beat the other guy, but I never got it.”

“Now you do?”

“Not all of it… all I wanna do is help. I wanna help because I don’t think people should suffer as they do. Because… maybe if there’s no bigger meaning, then the smallest act of kindness is the greatest thing in the world.”

And of course, the classic exchange from Season 6:

Andrew: You saw her – she’s a truck-driving magic mama! And we’ve got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa-burgers, and not one of you bunch has the midiclorians to stop her.
Xander: You’ve never had any tiny bit of sex, have you?
Anya: The annoying virgin has a point.

“It’s *not *pointless! It’s totally pointy!”

Keep in mind that this is not a theme that continues throughout the series. The first season is probably the weakest overall, and much more time was spent on such high school issues during that time than during most of the series. But personally, I liked the high school setting quite a bit; I read a quote by Joss Whedon to the effect of anyone who survives high school deserves credit; I think Buffy did deal with teen issues much like any teen drama, but it generally dealt with them pretty deftly and often turned convention on its head.

Overall, though, beyond any of the themes of the show, what kept me interested was that it’s some of the best writing that I’ve ever seen on a TV show. Plus, I thought the whole cast was excellent.

I was with BTVS almost from the beginning of its run. The first time I watched it, I only saw part of an episode and I thought it was silly. It seemed too joke-y for me and I’m a big horror fan. But the WB was airing reruns at that point the night before new episodes, and I ended up watching a few more episodes than I had ever planned to.

By the third episode I watched, I was hooked. I don’t know what did it, or how, but all I know for certain is that because of WB scheduling, if I hadn’t been able to watch two consecutive episodes, I probably would have just written it off.

My point is that it might seem silly at first, but as has been stated, stick with it and you will probably end up a complete convert. And since you now have the luxury of DVDs and the ability to start from the very beginning instead of coming into it somewhere in the middle, you can take your time and not have to beseige your friends with a million questions about things like, what’s the deal with Dawn? and why is Willow suddenly evil? and what do bunnies need such good eyesight for anyway?

While many people would tell you that BtVS may become your favorite show, I’ll give it a more conservative endorsement:

If you enjoyed Firefly, you will almost certainly enjoy Buffy. If you rent or even buy the DVDs and watch them, you will not regret it. I promise you.

have you seen this thread? Someone else a few weeks ago also needed convincing.
I love that BtVS is getting new fans.
The episode that hooked me was season 6 ep 7: Once More, With Feeling (or Buffy, The Musical) - after that I went back and watched all the other episodes while continuing with 6 and 7. (actually, by te time the series had ended, I was still trying to catch up.) after about a dozen or so episodes, I really got sucked into the characters. I cared about them as if they existed in real life. I also developed crushes Anthony Stewart Head, James Marsters, and Nicholas Brendan

Something to look into… Our local library has the first 6 season of Buffy available. free is better than renting. I like our library.

Maybe yours has them as well.

OK, I’m sold! Buffy is at the top of my Netflix queue. Thanks all.

I’m a new fan too. I’m just coming up for breath after watching all seven seasons of Buffy over the last couple of months. I am going to finish Angel and then force myself to take a break before starting them all over again. It’s unnatural to enjoy a TV show that much.

Stick it through the first season. I thought those were okay, but I didn’t really get sucked in until season 2. It might have been Spike’s first appearance that did it.

Mm, yeah. In my experience, a couple Spike-centric episodes are enough to at least pique (a female) someone’s interest.

OK, we got Contrapuntal! How about you, Lissa? Convinced yet?

You ladies must have loved season six. Apparently they slashed his clothing budget. :smiley:

That was one of the finest hours of television ever. I wept for about an hour. Not just because it was both sad and beautiful (although it was), but because I knew I was going to *miss * those guys.

What made me tear up was that they went out fighting The Good Fight, knowing they were going to lose, but knowing that the battle was worth the sacrifice of their lives. Well, for Angel, Spike and Gunn. I think Illyria just wanted to kill somebody.

The noble battle always gets to me. :smiley:

Read the Memorable Quotes and you’ll know whether you like it or not. Most of them are funny, but there are moments in the show that will make you cry as well- and I’m very cynical when it comes to tears for television.

Poor Lissa. If she does vanity searches, she must get confused. :smiley: It’s my fault for picking a handle that’s very close to hers.

Tentatively, yes. A friend has the complete set, and is a Buffy fanatic. I will ask to borrow the first season, and lend her Firefly. She hasn’t seen it yet, and my husband and I have turned into raving Firefly loons, who spread the good word with annoyingly evangelical fervor.

What is your take on Tears for Fears?

Way too derivative of Herman’s Hermits and early Sex Pistols for my tate.

What does David McLean have to do with this?

My god, you’re specifically telling people to watch Surprise & Innocence? The pain, the pain. I’ve watched those episodes three times. Once, the first time round and I didn’t realize what was going to happen. The second time, because I thought maybe it wouldn’t be as bad as I remembered it. The third time, with the commentary because I couldn’t bear to listen to the dialogue.


Joss is an evil, evil man!

My friends bristlesage and LaurAnge (who’s Helen’s Eidolon or whatever the heck now, I guess) had, for…I don’t know, maybe six or eight months or so, a Buffy Quote of the Day in our LiveJournals, rotating between the three of us. We started it just to amuse each other, but it got to the point that if one of us forgot to do a quote, other people on our friends lists would remind us that it was that person’s day to do the BQotD. I think we got, oh, at least four people I can think of off the top of my head into Buffy, as a result of daily exposure to its clever dialogue.

Since we seem to be doing season 4 here…

Buffy: …so then Kathy’s like, “It’s share time.” And I’m like, “Oh yeah? Share this!” <she punches at the air>
Oz: So, either you hit her, or you did your wacky mime routine for her.
Buffy: Well, I didn’t do either, actually. But she deserves it, don’t you think?
Oz: Nobody deserves a mime, Buffy.
Buffy: Hmm, Kathy does. She deserves to be locked in an invisible box and blown away by an imaginary wind and…and…
Oz: Forced to wear a binding unitard?
Buffy: Yeah, the itchy kind, it’s perfect.