I am an enthusiastic flatwater kayaker. Most of my paddling has been in rural areas, if not in wilderness, but I have recently been on the Chicago River a couple of times. This would’ve been inconceivable when I was growing up–you’d be eaten by the pollution–but the river has been pretty nicely cleaned up and it’s eminently paddleable. I did one trip on the North Side, where I was greeted by a couple dozen herons and other birds, and another downtown, where you get a very cool view of the buildings that tower over the waterway.
Now I’m thinking: maybe I could make this into a new project, paddling down a bunch of different urban rivers that have been at least somewhat reclaimed, check out the sights, skylines, etc from a slightly different perspective.
Unfortunately I don’t know enough about the rivers of most cities (other than Chicago). Is the Cuyahoga navigable by kayak through Cleveland these days? How navigable is the Platte through Denver? Is there a river in Houston?
So, urban-area Dopers, I turn to you. Big rivers, small rivers, ones that go through cities and one that go next to cities–what’s worth trying to paddle, and what’s best avoided? If you know details of put-ins and takeouts so much the better, but not necessary. Imagine that I have unlimited budget and time to get anywhere in the US or for that matter Canada.
When I would do this, if indeed ever, is uncertain, but the planning is half the fun. Any information, suggestions, warnings, would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Ulf the Washed-If-His-Kayak-Tips-Over