I’ve sold several cars privately. I’ve never allowed the buyer to keep the plates.
For my first sale (in Rhode Island), the buyer gave me the cash and I filled out the bill-of-sale and signed over the title. He left the car at my place (but took the keys), and headed off to the DMV to register the vehicle and get plates. He then came back with the plates, attached them, and left. Him keeping the plates was not an option, as the sale took place in Rhode Island, and my plates were Texas plates. (I was in the military.)
For my second sale (in Connecticut), after the exchange of a cashier’s check and the paperwork, I drove the car to the buyer’s house, and then removed the plates. It was up to him to register the vehicle and get new plates.
For my third sale (in CT), I sold the car to a friend who lived in Massachusetts. After completing the sale, I took off my CT plates, and he (illegally) put on some MA plates that he borrowed from his broken-down pickup truck to make the drive home. Then he registered the vehicle in MA.
Cars.com some good info on selling cars, as well as a sample bill of sale. Actually, the current sample bill of sale on the website is a bit of overkill, IMHO. Here’s what I’ve used:
Note 2: Check with your state DMV for any state-specific requirements.
I, ___________________ (seller), in consideration of xxxx THOUSAND xxxx HUNDRED DOLLARS ($x,xxx), do hereby sell, transfer and convey to ___________________ (buyer), the following vehicle:
Odometer reading: _______________________ miles
I, the undersigned seller, do sell the above-described vehicle to the buyer for the amount shown and certify that all of the information provided in this Bill of Sale is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
I, the undersigned buyer, acknowledge receipt of this Bill of Sale and understand there is no guarantee or warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the above-described property. It is also understood that the above-stated vehicle is sold in “as is” condition, with no representation made as to its fitness or mechanical condition.
Dated this xth day of Month, 2006.
Seller Signature: ________________
Seller Name (printed): ________________
Street Address: ________________
City: ________________ State: ______ ZIP: _______
Buyer Signature: ________________
Buyer Name (printed): ________________
Street Address: ________________
City: ________________ State: ______ ZIP: _______"
Both you and the buyer should keep a copy of this. If you don’t have a copier handy, print out two copies, and sign both, so you both have an original.