Selling your house: how many per day?

When selling your house, how many people per day visited?

So far, the house has been put up for sale for four weeks and three people have visited.

That’s what I love. Unbridled optimism.

I haven’t sold a house, but parents’ is up for sale now. Has been for just over two weeks. There has been one showing.

We put ours up again last Thursday for the second time (we took it off for a few months - just too busy to keep the house spotless) and we’ve had five people come through.

I went to an open house yesterday and saw 6-8 people there while I was there. I’m sure there were 20+ over the afternoon. Two of us have put full offer bids on the house. It has been on the market for 2 days.

Welcome to the slow housing market in Boston. :slight_smile:

Ours went on the MLS late Friday night. We had some slow drive-bys over the weekend and two showings tonight. Not sure if this is average or just initial activity because it is a new listing.


When the wife and I sold our first house about a year ago we got an offer the first day it was listed. I think about 6 people came that first day. It was sold in a week (and only because we waited to see if we got a better offer). My MIL’s house that was just sold a few months ago was on the market about 70 days. Over that time period, I think the house was shown to around 12 people. The agent held two open houses during that time, each with about 3 or 4 people coming. Not sure what the market is now. Of course it depends on where you live to a very large extent.

It does depend on where you live and the market niche you’re in.

Our last place had multiple offers with no conditions the first day, and we sold for $10K more then the list price. But that was a townhouse condo, which is/was pretty much in the median range for affordability for Calgary.

Our place now is much more expensive, and I think people willing to spend $750K+ are quite a bit more choosy in where their money goes, so it’s taking longer.

My folks have had their house on the market since September. On occasion, they’ve had up to three showings a week, but there were many weeks that went by with no showings at all. This weekend, they finally got an offer, so hopefully the place will finally get sold.

Their house is in a small Colorado town (maybe 4,000 people), and an asking price over $400K, so their experience will not necessarily be yours.