Semi-obscure mid-90s Canadian rock bands

It wouldn’t be a dance party in Canada without Home For A Rest being played - I love dancing to this song!

Canadian tv/music trivia - I’m about 99% sure that Ashley MacIsaac was the fiddler playing during a recent episode of “Lost Girl.” :slight_smile:

My two have also been mentioned but For me it’s Odds and Sloan, and I especially second Someone Who’s Cool. Seemed to go nowhere compared to Heterosexual Man which seemed to achieve minor hit status in the States, whereas Someone Who’s Cool only got a tiny bit of airplay despite being their best song by far.

A Common Disaster by the Cowboy Junkies was BIG in Ontario in the mid-90s, like ubiquitous background music at times.

A couple years ago, when the tall ships festival was in Boston, I met up with some old friends in an Irish pub downtown. The band played that song, dedicated to our ship. (Found out that Maggie, the purser, had requested it.) I don’t think there’s a better way to hear that song than with a bunch of sailors in port for the weekend.

I only know one song from him that came out 22 years ago, but it’s one of my all-time favorites - Just Came Back

Were they all dancing jigs? :smiley:

Colin James has quietly been putting out excellent albums for, must be 30 years now - his soon-to-be released album is called “Fifteen,” because it’s his fifteenth album. I really don’t know why the guy hasn’t achieved super-stardom - he’s so massively talented.

He also worked on Alex Lifeson’s solo project, Victor. The first track, Don’t Care, is scary as hell. The whole album is worth a listen.