Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) tests positive for Coronavirus

As much as I engage in Schadenfreude, this the rising number of cases of COVID in the Congress and across the federal government is a disturbing sign.

It’s also disturbing that the Senate apparently isn’t supporting the house version of the stimulus bill. If you think Wall Street bled the last two weeks, wait until markets open tomorrow.

Dow Futures are down -954, yesterday it was -157.

Some of that is the acceleration of the contagion, but if they don’t come to an agreement on the stimulus - like soon - investors will start to rapidly lose faith in the ability of the American institutions stop the bleeding. And since we’re the world’s largest and by far the most influential economy, that wouldn’t be just an American problem; that would be problem for the global economy. It could shatter markets.

A busy (yet productive) day for Karma.

Every time Trump speaks, the market drops.

I want that miserable asshole to live a long life behind bars, preferably being anally violated on a daily basis by a series of hepititus-infected speed freaks. Death’s too good for him.


Why, he’s just setting-up Wall Street for bargain hunters! Fools sell at YUGE! losses - “blood in the streets” - and the smart guys move in and scoop up goodies for pennies. That works… unless those pennies dwindle down to centavos. I saw a two-centavo coin on a sidewalk in a poor part of Mexico. It wasn’t worth even the lowliest peon’s effort to retrieve a rounding error. If that’s where US stocks are headed, it’s sayonara, suckers.

Back to topic, sort of. How is Sen Paul’s dad Ron Paul (age 84) doing? Staying in touch?

Moderator Note

This is way out of line for this forum. Let’s reserve posts like this for the Pit. Do not do this again in this forum.

Quarantine Zone Moderator

Deleted. It was an affirmative response to Stranger’s post that I made before I had a chance to read the Mod Note.

If we really must have a “Hey look who’s sick thread,” Harvey Weinstein.

Well, isn’t that convenient. This gives Paul an excuse to not vote on the bailout bill. Which goes against everything he’s ever believed in. But a vote against it would still look horrible.

And I’ve got to hand it to Romney, he’s actually shown a lot of spine in not being part of the ongoing Republican larceny and skullduggery. First, the impeachment vote. Then he blocked the Senate’s effort to go after Hunter Biden. Now he gets to not vote for this bill, and it’s nakedly partisan giveaways.

This 500 billion Secret fund to be administered by Steve Mnuchin is undisguised corruption. It’s going to go to Trump donors, who will then funnel most of it back to the Trump campaign or associated PACs. It’s straight up larceny, but as long as Trump believes it’s good for the country if he wins, he can do whatever he wants. That’s the Republican ethos.

IIRC, aren’t Gardner and Lee among the senator’s that sometimes consider thinking about someday pushing back against the gangster cult? Maybe it’s going to be convenient for their legacies if they don’t vote on this bill.

No explanation for Rick Scott, except he looks like someone that should be avoided during a plague.

He has coronavirus like Epstein committed suicide.

Just wait until the unemployment numbers come out. And GDP predictions for Q2 look horrendous. About the only thing I think that can turn things around is competence at the top, and we’re not likely to get that.

An insult to him, or to the kids?

He is now saying he did not meet the meet the requirements for quarantine. Further he did not meet the requirements to be tested. But he got tested anyway. You know. Ruling class and all that.

Isn’t Paul the clown who said it wasn’t such a big deal because less than a hundred people had died, but then one or two days or so later, over 100 people died in one day? Yeah, he’s really a great guy.