Is it just me, or does anyone else get annoyed when reading how someone splurted their drink onto their monitor after reading something that was so funny?
Can’t you just say “That was funny”?
Whenever I see someone do something like that, I always spill my drink all over my lap and yell “bwahahah!”
“Heembo, you owe me a new moniter/Coke/keyboard!”
“It sure will be hard to clean all of these coffee stains off of my moniter/mouse/keyboard!”
“All of the people in my office think I’m a nut job because I’m laughing so hard!”
Only two things need to happen: first, show they can cure Alzheimer’s; second, repeal the 22nd Amendment. Do those things and I guarantee you those miserable pole-waxers will be enjoying stem-cell Smoothies at the next Bonzo marathon.
I actually literally did spray my keyboard/monitor once, and laughed out loud so hard that people asked me what was so funny. It’s not always hyperbole!
(It was the first time I’d ever read the term "ugly as a hatful of assholes. So sue me!)
(I thought the OP was so funny, I downloaded in my pants!)
Heembo, this is a written medium. Someone writes a funny on the Board, they can’t see/hear our response. Did the funny elicit a polite chuckle or a belly-laugh? The writer can’t tell. So people post a BWAHAHA or a “I spit out my coffee” to indicate they really enjoyed the joke.
“That was funny” I would take as “I didn’t find it amusing, but I don’t want to hurt your feelings.”
I need a towel - I just splurted all over my monitor/keyboard, and am laughing so hard I think I will get fired/have a heart attack!
splok! gwork! I’m a net nerd!
Oh, and Scylla, you are truly a wise sage. Your wisdom has forced me to change my evil ways. Thanks for your thoughtful input. I suppose you couldn’t spare that mental Viagra you’ve been shooting, could you?
From now on, any time I take a big, steaming, stinky dump, I will say “now THAT was a bad ass Scylla…”
note: I hope you all know this is all in good fun - I truly appreciate everything I read on this board. I just never go to the Pit and thought it was time to start…
andros, I didn’t start this post just to be a pest. I genuinly dislike the practice I mentioned in the OP. However, I don’t want anyone to get the idea that I have something against them personally.
This thread is so funny, I went over to my coworker’s computer and threw up all over it. And Scylla’s creative use of the OED got me so excited, I went into my boss’s office and wanked off coke jizz all over his keyboard. After that, I laughed so hard, I nearly got fired. Instead, it just triggered a severe asthmatic attack. So I’m typing this now from the ICU, hooked up to an iron lung and popping prednisone like they’re candy.
heembo, you owe me a new lung!
[sub]oh, and while we’re on the subject, I hate when people use ::d&R::[/sub]