Separating immigrants from their children is child abuse.

The immigration act in the House that Ryan won’t bring to the floor because it doesn’t satisfy the Pedophile Hastert Rule? Or the act to stop children being removed from their families in the Senate that has exactly zero Republican sponsors or support?

Tell me again how it’s the Democrats’ fault. “Party of Personal Responsibility”.

Some take their kids. Others are human traffickers who think they’ve found an easy way to move merchandise.

Look, Mexico is not a hellhole. It’s a middle income country with a universal health care system and everyone has birth certificates and/or adoption papers. They can prove that the kids are theirs. They can give real identities to submit to background checks. “Oh, never mind all that, just let them in without checking” isn’t really a policy either. But it’s the one critics of the current policy seem to want.

Of course, the other alternative is to keep everyone in custody together until everything can be checked out. Problem is, current law limits holding children to 20 days. So you either put the kids with relatives or in the system, or you just let the adults and children in, whether they are actually family or not, and then they just disappear. So the obvious change to the policy is to allow families to be held indefinitely together.

There’s a bigger reason the US isn’t a safe haven: most are fleeing gang violence and in our compassion we’re letting the gangs follow them here.

That’s just incoherent. First of all the huge upsurge in refugee seekers illegally crossing the border from the US to Canada started when Trump became president, and the reasons are perfectly clear: they’ve become the targets of systematic discrimination. Some of them have studied and worked in the US on various temporary visas for a decade or more, tried and failed to obtain US citizenship, and now Trump is telling them they’re just no longer welcome and had better haul ass out of the country, despite their own homelands being in a state of chaos, upheaval, or civil war.

And the immigration authorities, as we’ve seen, are acting with extraordinary brutality in enforcing these various anti-immigrant measures. I don’t see a hell of a lot of this alleged “compassion” you refer to. Yet you would have us believe that there’s so much compassion going around that even gang members from those same targeted countries are being cheerfully admitted and granted residency status, despite the fact that these blameless hardworking people were never able to get that status themselves and are now being summarily thrown out. And that for some reason these imaginary gang members are terrorizing the immigrants, who are seeking to escape to Canada where presumably the gang members can’t follow, because … reasons.

This article may be of interest:
Last winter, after Donald Trump’s inauguration, there was a sharp increase in “irregular border crossings” all across the Canada-U.S. border: people sidestepping official ports of entry and trying to reach safety by walking through the woods, across clearings, or over ditches.

… Monday, November 20, the Trump administration made good on its threats to remove more than 50,000 Haitians from a program that currently allows them to live and work legally in the United States. In 20 months, they will be stripped of all protection and subjected to deportation. The administration has already announced it will be kicking Nicaraguans out of the same program and has suggested it may do the same to Hondurans next year. In September, Sudanese people got word that they’re getting the boot as well. Salvadorans are expected to be next.

That program is temporary. It was long overdue to end in all those cases.

Could you explain to us what laws the sanctuary cities are breaking?

And then could you explain what that has to do with horribly punishing children who have no connection with those cities by needlessly and gratuitously ripping them from their parents?

That’s not how it works. You are traveling north towards the United States with other people. At some point people realize that they can pretend to be family members in order to try to influence border guards. They are probably even advised to do that along the way. It’s an easy way to get some sympathy. Why would you not do it?

Paul Ryan, yesterday:

Especially those dads who’ve just had their kids taken away from them, that Paul Ryan will do nothing about. Happy Father’s Day, dudes!

Thank goodness this horrible man’s days of “public service” are nearly at an end. 200 days and counting down.

Can you explain what good it does them to “influence border guards”? What authority do the guards have to determine their fate?

The fact is, violent crime in the U.S. has been cut in half in the past 25 years, and by all indications, that’s just as true in Hispanic communities as it is among us gringos.

You know what? The only times I read about this wave of violence by MS-13 gangbangers is when I hear about it from Trump and his minions (including Fox News and the like). I could cherry-pick a handful of incidents and turn it into a wave of white working-class violence, to demonstrate that them rednecks are all animals and need to be locked up, just as easily as Trump & Co. are doing about MS-13.

I’m not saying that MS-13 doesn’t exist, or that they never kill anyone, but I’ll bet that for most Latinos in the U.S., MS-13 isn’t something they spend their days worrying about.

My brain hurts. Help walk me through the logic.

X, therefore Y, therefore we must abuse children and break families apart.

I mean, I’m not some deontologist who thinks the ends can never justify the means, but for god’s sake, man, what end is so goddamn important?

This is true and not at all racist, every white person I know does this. I assume it’s genetic since my mixed race son can only manage to cloak mildly inconveniencing policies this way, not fully hateful ones, it’s a source of great disappointment in my family.

C’mon, that’s not even trying to stay within the rules.

Warning issued. Please don’t do it again.

Absolutely! Persons seeking asylum have a legal right to present themselves to a border crossing to request asylum. U.S. border guards, clearly following the instructions of those higher up, are blocking their access to border crossings. This is blatantly illegal.

Following the rule of law must start with those charged with enforcing it. If they don’t obey the law, then they’re just another gang, using the law as a weapon against The Other.

@ OP — should we conclude your views have evolved?

The irony is that this sort of dehumanizing language is a necessary predicate to committing the human rights violation the administration is committing. The irony is that engaging in this sort of dehumanization of one’s political enemies is a quintessentially human behavior.

There’s a meme I’ve seen, along the lines of, if you ever wondered what you would’ve done during the rise of Nazi Germany, it’s what you’re doing now. Folks are answering that question for us.

Godwin’s law is becoming increasingly superfluous.

Amen! Personally, I’m hoping the Republicans will go whole-hog, and bring back child-sacrifices to Baal and Moloch. How do we know that we haven’t lost our way because we’ve gotten all liberal and wishy-washy about child sacrifice? MAGA!

I mean, they may lose a few voters in the blue and purple states, but it won’t affect their base, and they’ll still control the House, Senate, and Presidency - so really what do they have to lose? Let’s give it a try, everybody! Let’s make America great again!

Ol Zodameta Moloch Micalzo Graa De Acharayim!

Sanctuary cities and catch-and-release.

Hmm, nope! Sorry, but “sanctuary cities” are not, in fact, the reason immigrants are being separated from their children. Neither is “catch-and-release”. Neither one of these policies (or, in the case of sanctuary cities, lack of policy) actually is causing this - that policy was instituted by the Trump administration. You may be able to draw a line between the existing policy which does separate immigrants from their children and those things, but that doesn’t make this atrocity somehow the fault of those behind sanctuary cities and catch-and-release, unless that line is somehow a logical necessity. In which case you need to make that clear.

You have to wonder, does he not believe in the spark of divinity, the dignity and worth of every person?