September 11 - 100th anniversary...

Today is September 11. It is a very important anniversary of an event that changed humanity forever.

On September 11, 1906 Mohandas Gandhi convened a meeting in Johannesburg, South Africa, to mobilize his community to oppose racially degrading legislation. That September 11th, more than 3000 people solemnly pledged to disobey the proposed law, despite the consequences, without the use of violence.

Take a moment of silence in honor of September 11, 1906. Non-violence and love is the only hope for this world gone mad.

Amen, newcrasher. If this world were filled with peace and love, September 11, 2001, would have been just a normal day. Someday we’ll learn the lesson.


That… That is awesome. Thank you for posting this.


I have my doubts about making it to the Tricentennial much less 9/11/2101.

I had no idea. Thank you for posting that. As a devout pacifist, this truly resonates.


Perfect example of why I don’t think we should abbreviate an event by its date. Besides the fact that there’s just something unsettling about referring to the death of thousands of people by a 3-digit number. Very interesting post.